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A few months had passed by real quick. "Boyz in the Hood" had taken off quick, just by word of mouth. Many records had been sold in just a short amount of time and many people had become aware of who Eric was. I was beyond happy for him and the boys. They'd been working so hard to get this record out. As a result, Eric was even busier these days with his new and upcoming label.

On the other hand, Eric and I weren't doing so well at the moment. Since all of this, there had been women calling the house all hours of the night and even during the day. Since the incident two months ago, I didn't know wether to believe anything his ass had to say these days. It seemed like we'd been arguing more and more. We got into spats over the dumbest and simplest things. It wasn't his fault entirely, I didn't know how they managed to get this number.

Kim and I were currently sitting in the backyard chatting, while Henrii sat in her kiddy pool full of toys. I knew she wanted to address the recent news I'd gotten not too long ago, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

"Jay you know someday we're gonna have to talk about it?" Kim said looking over at me. "You can't keep things in. It's not healthy."

I shook my head. "I already told you what happened." I started. "I don't wanna keep talking about it, so just drop it."

It's bad enough that I had to find out the way that I did. I didn't want to talk about this over and over again.

-4 Months Prior-

I pushed the buggy around the supermarket, checking off my list as I went along. Eric was currently looking for something I'd missed while I continued to get the things that we needed. I made my way onto another aisle in search of the next few items on my list.

I walked over to the shelf and began putting the groceries into my basket. I felt someone staring, so I glanced over and sure enough some random woman was staring at me. She began putting her groceries into her basket and looked away. I didn't recognize her whatsoever.

Maybe she knew me? Who knows?

After grabbing what I needed, I began pushing my buggy down the aisle.I could still feel her staring, but I tried my best to ignore it. A little girl came running around the corner and the woman grabbed her hand, pulling her to the side. I looked at the child and had to do a double take.

My heart immediately dropped when I finally got a good look at her. Coincidentally, Eric walked around the corner and down the aisle towards me. He stopped dead in his tracks once he seen the other woman standing near me. His eyes darted between the both of us and then to the child. She resembled him so much and appeared to be the same age as Erica.

I looked at him and he didn't say anything.

All of us were pretty much speechless and it was definitely the most awkward situation I had ever been in.


I sighed and readjusted my sunglasses on my face, looking at my baby enjoy the water. I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice that my cheeks were wet from the tears that had fallen. I quickly wiped them, but it was too late. Kim had already noticed.

"Aww Jay." She said rubbing my back.

I heard that Eric had a bunch of kids, but I never knew what I would do if I ever came face to face with reality. I knew Eric got around with multiple women, so I was aware of what I had gotten into. I was angry at him because he was dishonest. He had known for months and didn't bother to be honest with me.

He explained that he was waiting for the right time to tell me. At this point, I was trusting his word less and less. Nevertheless, I still loved him and I knew that he loved me.

California Love (Eazy-E x Jada Pinkett) (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now