Society Of The Blind Eye

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A sudden piercing white LED lamp blared in my face as the hessian sack was torn off my face. To my surprise, I was not tied up.
A red hooded figure stood in the corner, removing a pair of black leather gloves.
"Hey! You!" I called over.
The figure turned on me, brandishing a taser. I panicked and out the corner of my eye, spied a tub marked 'biohazard'. I quickly seized it and lobbed it at the figure, who ducked down, which caused the tub to smash on the wall behind them. Out of it seeped a disgusting brown goop which slid down the wall and oozed into the centre of the floor.
I gagged in disgust when I saw it pile up and quiver.
Suddenly it raised up into an all to familiar shape.
"'Sup dood?"
"S-Soos?" I asked the ooze.
"Ya dood! Dipper you okay?" Soos replied.
Soos walked up to me, dripping with sludge.
"Man that is super gross!" I laughed.
"I woke up like this dood!" He chortled back.
A voice I knew well came from the corner of the room. It sounded like the footsteps of a child on crisp, husky autumnal leaves.
The hooded red figure stepped forwards.
The hood was deep red and pointed with a symbol depicting a single eye with a cross through it.
"You! You're from the Society Of The Blind Eye!" I shrieked in distress.
The figure reached for the hood and stepped into the light, pulling the hood down.

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