Chapter 15.❤

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* For the purpose of moving things along a little quicker, here's what happened that I'm skipping over : Kirk picked up Lexus from being held and Queenie is now at home on bed rest. Jaida still isnt pressing charges, and in six days Kirk and Lexus are flying back to Miami... *

I'm trying so hard to be the perfect man for her, maybe I'm trying too hard, or maybe even not hard enough. Here I am, laying in this bed all alone. The sad part is, I want her here next to me, and I'm the reason she's not here. I acussed her of lying. I should have listened to her. I'm so stupid. I look over at the empty spot next to me, a heavy feeling falls on top of my chest. They say don't regret anything in life, but right now, I'm regretful.

My phone vibrates in my hand, somewhere in the back of my mind I wanted it to be Lexus, but I know better than to expect that. At first, I had no desire to even check who it was, but suspicion set it, and I checked. It was no one special, another one of my many cousins, asking me when I'm leaving Houston, I rolled my eyes, ignoring the text

I knew, my heart knew, my brain knew, my whole body knew, I had to apologize. I needed to grow the balls to call her and just say "I'm Sorry." But would sorry be enough? I rolled over on to my stomach, my head sinking into the soft feathered pillows. I was shirtless, the window was wide open, and the celling fan on high. Every gust of cold wind gave my skin goosebumps. But oddly, I liked feeling of the cold, it seemed to match my mood. I didn't really care if I was cold, or boiling hot at this point.

I'm just too stubborn, that's my problem. It's a flaw of mine, I'm not to proud to admitt it either.

My mind was blank of thoughts, I was just a body laying on a bed. I'm not sure if me feeling bad for what I said, or for not apologizing.



"It's been eating me alive, I need to ask you about the abortion." I looked over at Lexus, her body rested against the car door. She looked exhausted, or maybe just depressed. But then agian, I just picked her up from being held. "Lexus.."

"Not right now, can't we wait till we get home?"

"I'm dropping you off at your moms."

"You're not gonna stay with me?" She turned her head towards me, I shook my head no. "Why not?"

"I need to clear out my mind, I'm staying at a hotel till we leave."

"I don't get it Kirk."

"Look, I just need a day or two to myself, just to think shit through."

"Alright..." She said softly, rolling down her window a little, letting the wind hit her in the face.

"Can I ask you why you didn't tell me?" I slowed down the car, stopping at the red light. She just starred out the window at the lights that shined in the darkness of Houston. I noticed the time, it was almost 9:30. "Lexus?"

"I didn't tell anyone."

"How come Jaida-"

"She probably knows Braxton, he must have told her."

"Oh, come on, she didnt know him!"

"Well I dont know how she fucking knows!"

"Yes you do! Don't lie to me!"

"I cant do this right now."

"Can't do what? I'm sitting here beating myself up over this! I really have no idea why you wouldn't tell me something like that! I was your best friend, dammit, I still am!"

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