Chapter 14.❤

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I was torn between Lexus and Queenie. I didn't want to leave Queenie's side, I promised I'd stay till she woke up, but in the back of my mind all I could think about was Lexus, and how I wanted to go see her, and make sure she's okay. But at the same time, I was mad at Lexus, I was confused, and a little hurt. Why did she never tell me? I thought I knew everything there was to know about her. What else could she be hiding? I wanted to know, but at the same time I didn't. As they say, what you don't know won't hurt you. I guess I'm better off not knowing... Right?

I ended up falling asleep in the chair next to Queenie's bed. My neck was stiff from sleeping wrong, I saw that she was still asleep, so I got up and walked around. It was only seven in the morning.

"I hope she's okay." I thought to myself, referring to Lexus. "Did Jaida press charges? Was Lexus arrested? Will she go to jail? She must have been arrested, what am I thinking? Oh my god.."

I looked over at Queenie, it looked like she was starting to wake up. I started to stretch my body out. It wasn't just my neck that was stiff, my back was too from slouching over.

"Good Morning." She said, yawning.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby." She smiled. She laid there for a moment, staring at me strange. She tried to sit up a bit, but couldn't gain enough strength too, so she continued to lay there. "You okay Kirk?" She asked, I nodded yeah, sitting back down. "You always been a bad liar." She chuckled.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I mumbled. Honestly, I did wanna talk about it, I just didn't know how to form my thoughts into words.

"It's not good to bottle things up, it only makes it worse."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed.

"So.. You gon tell me or what?"

"It's just so much.."

"I got alllllll the time in the world." She smiled, it gave me a little feeling of hope.

"Well, um, you remember Lexus, right?" She nodded. "We're sorta together." She raised an eyebrow. "It's just not offical, but that's not the point. I just found out that Jaida had a baby girl with Darrel.. I knew she cheated on me, but with my fam? That's crazy man. Jaida said some hurtful shit to Lexus, and she kinda snapped, she got dragged out of here. I think she broke Jaida's nose or something, but I dont blame her for doing it. But i'm trying to figure out what my mom got to do with all this, like why was she covering for Jaida? And I found out Lexus got an abortion back when she was with that punk ass Braxton.." I took a deep breath in, then out. My heart felt heavy in my chest. "I don't know if I should be mad at her... Why didn't she ever tell me?"

"Three things. One, Lexus is good for you, and we all know, and you're good for her. Two, Jaida is an evil bitch, and we all know that too. I dont know what ya moms is up to.. And three, dont be mad at Lexus for not telling you. Think about it, he beat her till she bruised and bled, why would she wanna carry his baby? And on top of that, she knew you didn't like him."

"Yeah, thats true.."

"I knew this would happen." She smiled at me again. I looked at her funny, she started to laugh. "I knew y'all would get together."

"I knew it would happen eventually to be honest." I smirked.

"We all knew.. Yous had that connection." She made a gesture with her hands. "I'm happy for you if that counts."

"I'm happy for me too."

"Look, just do what feels right for you. Who cares what anyone thinks. Be with Lexus if that's what makes you happy. You're still young though, remember that. Don't rush into anything."

"Thanks." I smiled, leaning over to give her kiss on the cheek.


- Police Department -

I walked inside and up to the desk where the officer was sitting.

"Good Afternoon sir." He said, sipping on his coffee.

"Good afternoon, I'm here to-"

"No visitors for those being held."

"I came to bail her out.." I said, starting to get nervous.

"When was she arrested? What's her name?"

"Last night, around six. Her names Lexus Fernandez."

"Yes, yes. I remember her." He said, looking through his computer. "She was a very pretty young girl, but had that mean mug on her face."

"Is she here? Can I bring her home?"

"She's being held in the back, if charges aren't put against her, then yes, you can bring her home. But until then, you'll just have to wait." I took a deep breath filled with frustration. How long was I going to wait for her?

I knew what I had to do.

"Thanks.." I said, turning to walk away.

It seemed like everything in my life right now was twisted and distorted, nothing was right. Yes, there were spot of beauty, but the overall picture was ugly.

I was hoping she'd call me later to tell me how she was, but I was going to stop back by around six anyways just to make sure she's okay. Hopefully I'd get to see her..

I checked my phone and had a missed call from my mom. So, like any good kid, I called her back. Deep down, I was hoping I wasn't in trouble, instinct I guess.

"Hey Kirk." She said, her voice seemed calm, but at the same time I could tell something happened.

"Wassup Mom..?"

"I called to tell you that Jaida isn't going to press charges, and that her nose is broken. She's having surgery tonight to repair it. You and you're little girlfriend got lucky she's not making you pay.."

"She deserved to get hit and she knows it! I don't get how you're on HER side after what she did!! Why are you sticking up for her?!"


"Nah, answer my question! Why?"

"It's hard to explain.."

"Just say it."

"Well, she.."

"She what?"

"I owe her basically." She said. "She made a deal with me, she'll help me pay off my medical bills if I helped her get back with you. At first I didn't know what she did.. I found out after she payed the debt off."

"So this was all over money?"

"I was falling under Kirk!"

"You could have asked me! And you know that!"

"I didn't want to be a bother, you were living your life and I was living mine.."

"You're my mother, you know I'd help you out any way I can, don't try and pull that shit on me!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"You know what.." I said, trying not to get angry. "All of this is reminding me why I left. After I bail Lexus out, we're leaving. I'm going back to Miami." And I hung up.

** You guys are the best!! I never expected this story to get so many reads and votes!! Thanks so much :) and I don't want to write like 500 more chapters so I'm going to speed it up a bit.. I won't leave you disappointed, I promise ! **

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