Chapter 7.❤

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I sat there in the corner of his room, my arms around my legs, my head rested on my knees. I was trying not to cry.

I wasn't sure how to feel. Should I be sad, mad, worried, scared, maybe even revengeful. I was feeling a mixture of them all, but I was mostly scared. I was waiting for the call. I couldn't build up the guts to go to the hospital while momma was in surgery.

Kirk was on his bed, the phone in his hand.

"She'll be okay." He said. But I didn't move, I couldn't move. My body was frozen in time, and cold to the touch. "Lexus..?" I couldn't speak, I was too much in shock.

I just wanted the phone to ring. At this point, I wanted to hear the potential bad news, just to get it over with. I cant deal with this suspension anymore.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" I heard the creek of his bed as he got off of it. I could hear the sound of his bare feet as they hit the floor, walking up to me. "Lexus?" I felt his hand touch my shoulder. His hands felt so hot against my skin. "Can you please tell me?"

I lifted up my head a little, turning my neck towards him. He smiled down at me, reassuring me that everything would be okay, and just to tell him what had happened.

"A drive by." I mumbled. I sat straight up, my back perfectly straight against the wall. I took a deep breath in, slowly letting it out. "We were at Sasha's house with Lindon, Charles and Tay. You know Tay got beef with so many niggas, it's gotta be one of them you'd think." I shook my head is disbelief. "My cousin was in the damn car! Harland, I saw him driving Kirk. He wasn't even wearing a mask or anything. None of the guys were. Momma was the only one who got shot, right here" I pointed to my chest, directly in the middle. "What if she don't make it.." I broke down, my head fell onto his shoulder. He held my hand as I cried.

"You can't think like that. I know she'll be fine, I just know it." He paused as I wiped the tears off from under my eyes. "She's a strong woman, honestly. She'll be fine, okay?" I nodded, wanting to believe him.

"I hope she is." I gripped his hand a litter tighter. "I some how feel like I had something to do with it."

"You had .NOTHING to do with it, and I'm sure no one wanted to hurt Momma Ruthie either, that was an accident. They probably were trying to get Tay. I see no reason for it to be your fault, like at all. You're a good girl Lexus."

"Yeah I know. But it's just how I feel, I can't help it." I looked up at him from the corner of my eye, and forced a smile. He smiled back, my body began to feel warm again. And the normal pigmentation was starting to come back. "I really hope she's okay, it's been four hours."

"The surgery takes like six or seven hours." He shrugged. "It takes time, just too long to wanna wait."

"Yeah... We're just gonna have to wait." He agreed.

"Want to order some food, I'm pretty sure you ain't eaten in a while, and I'm hungry." He got up, going back towards his bed, the phone in his hand.

"I'm not hungry, thanks though. You get something for yourself."

"Damn, you sure?" He asked, sounding concerned. I just nodded, going back into my earlier position. "Don't over think all this, you're gonna drive yaself crazy."

"I'll try not too." My voice sounded muffled.

"Alright." He sighed. "I don't like seeing you so scared. I'm use to you acting tough, and being a badass." He chuckled. "This a different side of you, I ain't use to seeing it I guess."

"You can't expect me to be tough forever." I put up my head. "I just pretend to be tough. You don't get hurt that way... But now, I am hurting. And I don't know how I should be feeling right now. I'm scared, I'm mad, I'm sad. I'm so many things right now."

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