Chapter 10.♥

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The sound of his voice wandered around in my head. "I love you." In soft whispers, was all I heard. Did he mean in it? Like, did he really LOVE me, or say it as a friend? I was confused. I didn't say anything back, I just drove off.

I wasn't sure how i felt about. It made me think, did i LOVE Kirk, or was it just a crush? I know I love him, but what about real love? The kind you see in movies and books, or the kind you see in the park when an old couple are feeding the birds, holding hands. Honestly, what was love? I had no idea.


I walked in the house, my mom was knocked out on the couch. I tip toed passed her so I wouldn't wake her up.

I crawled under the covers on the side Kirk slept on. I laid my head down on the pillow, gripping the sheet. I could smell his cologne on the sheets. It's funny how he's only been gone for four hours and I already miss him.

"Lexus?" Momma yawned, sitting down on the end of the bed next to my feet. I kept my back to her.

"I wanna be alone." I whimpered. I felt her hand rub on my leg.

"I know you don't really wanna be alone." She scooted herself closer to me.

"What's wrong?" I turned onto my other side to face her.

"He told me he loves me."

"And?" She sounded confused.

"Does he mean it? Like really mean it.."

* Kirk's POV *

The plane ride seemed to last forever. The longest four hours of my life. I promised Lexus I'd call when I landed, but it was late and most likely she was asleep, so I didn't bother.

Momma Dukes ran up to me, giving me a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She said. I just smiled. "We're going home first, let you sleep. How was the flight?" She seemed so happy, not that I'm complaining, but this wasn't the right time to be happy. In my gut, something didn't feel right.

"It was good." I put my arm over her shoulder, smiling down at her. "It feels good to be home."


"So..." She spoke. "I read someone that you're with Lexus now." Momma Dukes looked up at me from the staring wheel. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not official." I looked down at her.


"Good?" I said with an attitude.

"As much as I like her, do you really think she's right for you? Kirk, Jaida was perfect for you."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I had to bite my tongue before I blew up. I hated getting mad.

"Fine." She shrugged. "I'm only your mother, I don't know what I'm talking about." I hated when she got sarcastic.

The rest of the car ride home was silent. All you could hear was the sound of other cars speeding by, and the rain hitting the pavement. I finally put in headphones and blasted music.


I laid my head down on my childhood pillow. My room was pretty much untouched. The sheets smelled the clean linen and the slight smell of Dior, what Jaida use to wear. I clenched my teeth.

I woke up to the smell of bacon, which brought a smile to my face. I slipped on a pair of shorts and headed down stairs to the kitchen.

"Oh hell no." I said under my breath. The girl standing in front of the stove wasn't my mother. She had long dark brown curly hair, and a small hourglass frame. I knew exactly who it was. She turned around at me and smiled. Her hazel eyes met mine. "Why are you here Jaida?" I got serious.

"I'm making the man I love breakfast." She smiled. I gave her a dirty look.

"Now you love me? You left my ass for another man! You used me for my money! What is it? Huh? You see me with someone else and now you're jealous? Is that what it is?" She rolled her eyes and laughed a little. "What's funny?" I snapped.

"You really like Lexus don't you?" She said with her hand on her hip, outing out her lips like she was at a photo shoot.

"Of course I do." I looked down at my feet.

"Ha! Lies! You're saying that to piss me off!"

"Hell no I'm not!" I shooter up my head. "I told you everything there was to know about me, I trusted you, I loved you! And you threw everything away like it was nothing! She has been there for since wayyyy before I ever met your gold diggin' ass! I liked her back when we were teenagers and I like her now! Why would I just say that? Huh?" She just kept rolling her eyes. "Unlike you.. Lexus would never use me, ever." I turned my back to her and walked away. I didn't have anymore of an appetite.


I got dressed and decided I'd drive myself to go see Queenie. My cousin Darrel let me use his car.

"Thanks bruh." I dapped him up and he passed me the keys.

"No problem." He smirked. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what?"

"How's Lexus?"

"She's fine." I said, getting into the car. "Why?"

"No reason I guess." He faked a smile. "Tell her I said hi."

"Tell her yourself." I turned on the car and backed out of the driveway. I noticed the weird look on his face. A mix of confusing and excitement. "Please don't tell me he's still sprung on her." I said to myself as I came to a stop sign.

** Sorry it's kinda short! But the next few chapters will be good, I promise! Please vote if you liked it :) and comment on what you think. Thank you so much! I never thought this story would get so many reads... But I'm glad it did :p lol **

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