Chapter 14 - Garden of Reflection

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Chapter Fourteen - Garden of Reflection

While Thunder talks with Muse, the rest of us go the Garden of Reflection, which is filled with all kinds of flowers and plants.  There are paths to walk on.  In the middle of the garden there is a sculpture, which is made of many mirrors.  When I look into it, I see multiple views of the garden, kind of like a kaleidoscope.  I also see different views of myself. 

"This is where we horses go to relax, rejuvenate, and reflect on our lives," Wakanda says.  "It may be especially helpful for Evan.  It appears that Hecca's darkness has had an influence on him.  I will call the other horses whom you haven't met yet to meet with you here.  Then I will check in on Thunder and Muse."

There are 12 horses on this side of Rainbow Island.  Some are pegasuses, some are unicorns, some are unipegs, and some look like regular horses, but all have magical powers.  They all have interesting names.  Wakanda means "one with magical powers" in the Lakota language.  Her grandson Wachiwi's name means "Dancer".  Other horses include Whisper, Wish Upon a Star, Follow Your Destiny, Time 2 Fly, Midnight Majesty, Serendipity, and Mystic Warrior.  Treasure is the only horse who does not have other family members also here. 

"Will Forever ever leave Hecca?" Kayla asks.

"Forever once shot himself with his own arrow," Mystic Warrior says.  "He will now be loyal to Hecca forever, unless he bathes in Rainbow Falls, which he does not wish to do.  Even if he does, he might not change his mind.  Of course, we should never give up hope for anyone."

After awhile, all of the horses leave, except for the younger ones:  Treasure, Fantasy, and Wachiwi.  Fantasy sings, but without touching us, so we do not fall asleep.

"This place is so beautiful!" Lizzie exclaims.  "Why would any of the horses have wanted to leave this part of Rainbow Island?"

"They believed things could be even better for them if they were in control," Wachiwi answers.

"I thought I was in control, but I was wrong," Evan says.

"Maybe so," Kayla adds, "but don't be too hard on yourself.  I'm the one who wanted to come here.  I'm sorry for the trouble I caused everyone.  But I'm not sorry that I came here.  This place is more amazing than I even imagined.  I mean, I was just hoping to have fun, and part of this adventure was not fun, but I am having a great time now, and I've also learned a lot!"

"Mi tambien," Lizzie agrees.  "What are we going to tell everyone when we get back?"

"Let's worry about that tomorrow," Jacob says.  "Right now I just want to treasure the moment."

At the mention of his name, Treasure neighs.  "Maybe we can visit you at Prairie Star Stables!" I say, explaining to the others where Treasure is from.

Lizzie and Jacob hold hands and walk through the garden together.  I think about Ryan for the first time in awhile.  I try to brush my thoughts aside.  "Are you feeling better?" I ask Evan.

"I'm not itching as much as I was, if that's what you mean," Evan answers.  "Thanks for rescuing me.  This place is amazing, but I do regret coming here.  Also, I really don't think things will work out between you and I, Kayla.  I hope we can still be friends."

"Of course we can, Silly, even thought that is the oldest line in the book!" Kayla answers.  "I think I'm better with friends than boyfriends anyway.  But someday I will find my Prince!  And someday you will find your Princess!"

"No offense, but it won't be me," I laugh.  "After all, you used to be my cat! I remember how you used to curl up next to me when I was a horse.  You helped me believe everything would work out, which it did, and will again, you know."

"You just need to have faith" Fantasy sings.  I did not realize she was still listening to us.  Fantasy continues to sing while Wachiwi starts dancing in a circle.  Kayla, Evan, and I talk some more. We make fun of the funny outfits we are wearing, then start exploring the rest of the garden.

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