Chapter 10 - Preparation

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Chapter Ten  - Preparation

When I wake up I realize I have lost all sense of time and don't even know how long we have been gone.  Lizzie is laughing at something Jacob said.  They are in their own little world at the moment.  "What's up with them?" Kayla whispers.

"Love, I guess," I reply.  "You said that you and Evan were arguing a lot.  Are you two still together?"

"I don't know," Kayla says.  "I was so excited about him being a wizard and all, and being so spontaneous, like me.  But I'm not sure he will make a very good wizard or boyfriend.  I think he really likes me, but when we disagree on something, he just does whatever seems easiest to him at the time, and then he gets mad if I don't agree with him."

"I could probably say the same about Ryan.  Not that he always does what's easiest.  He does what he thinks is right, but he doesn't like it when others disagree with him.  He didn't think we should listen to Caitlin or come out here, but I didn't agree with him, and then he got mad.  Then I started to fall for Jacob, but I was too late."

"Jacob is great," Kayla said.  "I think I am the one who would drive him crazy.  But seriously, you two have always been friends.  If you dated and things did not work out, what would that do to your friendship?"

"Guess I'll never know," I answer.  "Some people say the best romances start as friendships.  But I'm not sure I'll even be seeing as much of him as a friend.  You know, three's a crowd.  I guess it's just back to you and me now."

"Don't be so glum," Kayla advises.  "All of us are in this together you know, and ain't nobody going home unless we all go home!"

That's the Kayla I know and love.  She rolls with the punches and never lets herself feel defeated. 

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We eat whatever fruits and vegetables we can find, and drink the last of the water we brought with.  Soon I see another pegasus flying towards us.  "Don't worry," Legend says, "It is Whisper!  This is good news for us!"

"But what if the evil horses see her?" Jacob asks.

Legend is quick to answer. "Whisper's special power is that she has an invisible bubble of protection around her.  Nothing can hurt her externally.  Which will be wonderful if we have to put up a fight!  Of course she probably will give away our hiding spot.  So we will have to move fast, once we hear what she has to say."

"Hello!" Whisper says when she lands.  "Wakanda saw a vision of all of you on this cliff.  She thought you might need some extra help.  There is a lot of dissension amongst the evil horses right now.  Hecca killed one of the mares that tried to escape and many of the others are angry and grieving her death.  Therefore they may not even put up a fight against us now.  The bad news is that we may have to fight Hecca herself.  I suggest that we go down there right away.  Legend and I will deal with the evil horses while Fantasy and Treasure go with you teens to find Evan.  Then we will all fly back to the other side of the island together."

"Do you think it will be that easy?" Lizzie asks.

"I didn't say it would be easy, but courage means moving forward in spite of fear.  Are you ready?" Whisper asks.

"Yes!" we answer. 

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