Chapter 7 - The Second Cave

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Chapter Seven - The Second Cave

We find a banana tree and eat some bananas when we all wake up.  It is not quite dark yet when we head towards the second cave.

"I hope we get a chance to shower sometime," I say.

"We can swim under Rainbow Falls when we get back," Jacob answers.

Lizzie guides us by using the map.  "It should be just around this turn," she says.

There is a faint path winding around some trees.  Suddenly two other horses appear in front of us.  It's not like they were hidden from view, or arrived by walking or flying.  They just appeared out of nowhere. 

One is a white pegaus.  Her fur is so white it almost glows, and she is absolutely beautiful, like an angel.  The other horse is black and does not have wings.  "Hello, I am Muse," the white horse says.   "I was sent here to guide you to your friends."  Her voice is also very beautiful.  It has a melodic, almost-hypnotic quality to it.

"Don't believe her," Legend whispers.  "This is a trick."

"I am Thunder," the black horse says.  "Your friends have left the cave.  They are in danger, but we can help you.  We are not with Hecca, and we know how to resist her powers."

"If you were not with Hecca, I would know you," says Legend.

"You assume that all the horses on this side of the island are evil," says Muse.  "But there are those of us who are trying to defeat her from within."

I wonder if Muse is telling the truth.  But I have to trust Legend on this.  Fantasy begins singing a song.  She touches Muse with her wings, and Muse immediately falls asleep.

"You shouldn't have done that!" Thunder says angrily.  Instantly dark clouds gather and we hear thunder rumbling.  Fantasy tries to touch Thunder with her wings, but a flash of lightning cuts her off. 

Legend lunges at Thunder, and he falls.  Fantasy is now able to put him to sleep.  But it is too late to stop the storm.  It is raining and hailing.  "This is not the kind of shower I had in mind!" I yell, but I don't think anyone can hear me now. 

"Follow me!" Legend shouts.  We go inside the second cave.  This cave has a very wide entrance.  It branches off to both the left and the right.  At first we stay in the middle by the entrance, so Treasure can make a fire to warm us up and dry us off.  No one will see the smoke in this storm! 

"When will Muse and Thunder wake up?" Lizzie asks.

"Not for 12 hours," Fantasy answers.  "And when they do wake up, they won't remember what happened to them."

"Well, that is a blessing," Lizzie says.  "Do you think they were telling the truth about Kayla and Evan no longer being in a cave?"

"We can't believe anything they say," Legend says. 

Jacob searches to the left and Lizzie and I search to the right.  Again, we don't find anyone. 

When I come back to the open area by the entrance, I slip and almost fall.  Jacob catches me.  I look up into his gorgeous, green eyes, and suddenly I realize that I like him as much more than a neighbor or a friend.  Jacob is the one who has always been there for me, and maybe he is my Mr. Right, not Ryan! 

"What's going on Honey?" Lizzie asks as she, too, enters the open area.

"HONEY?!" I ask.

"Oh, we meant to tell you," Lizzie says.  "Jacob and I have grown closer since I got back this summer, and after you went to sleep this morning, we decided to be a couple!"

After I went to sleep this morning?  What an idiot I am!  I could have been with Jacob all this time but I didn't realize my true feelings until just after Lizzie and Jacob fall for each other!

"What's wrong?" Lizzie asks.  I thought you would be happy for us."

"Of course I'm happy for you," I lie.

"I'm sorry Ryan isn't here with you too," Jacob says.

"Ryan's exactly where he wants to be," I snap.

"You know he still loves you," Jacob says. 

"Of course he does," I lie again.  But I'm not sure if we'll ever be a couple again.  And not only have I lost him, but now I also feel like I've lost my best friends.  After all, Kayla is with Evan, and Lizzie is with Jacob, and I am all alone.  I head back through the passage to the right.  Treasure follows me.  I put my arms around his neck and let my tears fall into his mane.

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