Chapter 17 - Prairie Star Stables

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Chapter Seventeen - Prairie Star Stables

Surprisingly, my parents let me ride with Jacob, Kayla, Lizzie, and Lizzie's older brother Luke to take Treasure home.  My dad has always trusted Jacob, but even more since my "life as a horse" experience.  This would have made things easy for me if I was dating Jacob!

I pet Treasure as I lead him into the horse trailer.  This seems wrong.  Treasure could just fly there.  But he looks normal now because his wings have disappeared.  I wonder if he can still talk?  "I'll miss you Treasure," I say.  "I'll never forget being at Rainbow Island!"

"Rainbow Island is an amazing place!" Treasure agrees.  "It will be a big change living as a ranch horse again.  I am excited to see everyone there again though.  You'll visit too, won't you?"

"Sure," I say.

Jacob and Luke ride in the front of the pickup and Kayla, Lizzie, and I share the back seat.  We talk more about our latest adventure.  It is great being the "Three Musketeers" again.

"Wakanda is so wise!" LIzzie says.  "Who would have guessed we would learn so much from a horse!  Hurray for caballos magicos!"

"Excuse me?" Kayla says.

"I mean magic horses of course!" Lizzie answers.

"Yes, but I wish I could have spent more time with the horses on the other side of the island and less time being held prisoner and hiding in a cave!" Kayla sighs.

"I wonder what will happen to Thunder and Muse?" Lizzie says.  "And if I'll ever see Legend and Fantasy again?"

"I liked the Garden of Reflection," I say.  "And Rainbow Falls."

When we get to Prairie Star Stables, we are greeted by a cute, blonde-haired guy wearing a cowboy hat, Tshirt, jeans, and boots.  He looks to be a few  years older than us.  "Thanks for bringing Treasure back!" he says.  "I thought he might be gone for good."

The guy, Carter, gives us some information about riding lessons and equine therapy.  He also gives us a $100 reward.

"Gee, thanks!" Jacob says.  "We weren't expecting that!"

"Who owns this place?" Kayla asks.

"My girlfriend's parents," Carter says.  "It's a great place to work!  Y'all should think about taking lessons here or working here someday."

"Maybe I will!"  Lizzie and Kayla both say at the same time.

Carter shows us around part of the barn.  There are horses of a variety of breeds.  Lizzie is drawn to a tan and white miniature horse named Lucky Girl.  "Is she for sale?" Lizzie asks.

"Not right now," Carter answers, "but you could make an offer.  We have an abundance of horses right now, with all of the new foals."

"That horse would be just right for you," I say.  "You are the lucky girl who won the necklace - and Jacob's heart!"

My favorite horse is a black and white Appaloosa filly named Evening Star.  I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't buy me another horse since I already have two at home, Hope and Hero.

On the way home, Lizzie sits in front by Jacob, and Luke sits in back with Kayla and I.  "I'm still not sure I believe your story," he says, "but your secret is safe with me.  Are you still dating this wizard, Kayla?"

"No," Kayla answers.  "I'm changing my status back to single.  How about you?"

"I haven't heard from Graciela for over two weeks.  I think we might be over too."  Luke looks away, his head and shoulders slumping with sadness.  Kayla puts her hand over his to show her concern.  Luke turns back to Kayla and smiles.  I envision the two of them together.  It could work better than dating a wizard, but rebound relationships can be dangerous in their own way. 

"Have you talked to Ryan?" Kayla asks.

"No, dad took my phone away," I say.

"Then here, use mine," Kayla says, handing it to me.  I look at it a few seconds before I take it.  I'm still not sure what I want to say?

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