Chapter 4 - Rainbow Island

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Ryan's dad is the assistant county attorney, who brings charges against people who commit crimes. His dad would never believe in magic, and if he did, he would try to stop it.  I know it has been hard for Ryan not to tell his parents about what really happened with me.  It is easier for Jacob and I, because our parents do know.  Maybe Ryan doesn't want to do anything to make his parents suspcious.  Or maybe he is worried about our safety. Or maybe he just doesn't trust Caitlin.  But my mind is made up.  I am going. 

After being a horse for several months, anything seems possible.  When I was a horse, I was a regular horse, and still here in my same neighborhood.  A magic island with magic horses?  That's another stetch of the imagination, but it sounds amazing!  I want to see this for myself. 

In just an hour we meet at Caitlin and Evan's house.  It may be just an hour for us, but that means another day has gone by for Evan and Kayla!  Caitlin has been doing her homework.  She even has a map of the island.  Her wizard friend Vince shows us a picture of a waterfall and a rainbow.  He says some spell and we are instantly teletransported to Rainbow Island!

"This place is esplendido!" Lizzy screams.  "And caliente, like Mexico!"

"You really need to stop mixing your Spanish and English," Jacob says.  "What did you say?"

"Lo siento, I mean I'm sorry," Lizzy answers.  I said that this place is gorgeous, and hot, like in Mexico."

We are standing on a rocky cliff at the top of the waterfall in the picture.  There is a beautiful rainbow above us.  It looks almost close enough to touch.  "Maybe we are in the land of Oz," I joke.  "You know, somewhere over the rainbow, magic horses fly."

"Yeah, where are the munchkins and magic horses?" Jacob asks.

Then I see one.  A beautiful little brown winged horse taking a shower underneath the waterfall.  "Look!" I say.  "We need to find our way down to the bottom of the waterfall."

"How will we know which horses are evil and which horses are good?" Lizzy asks.

Jacob answers. "Caitlin said that the Rainbow Falls are on the good side of the island.  So the magic horses here may be willing to help us.  Is your necklace glowing Lizzy?"

Lizzy pulls it out of her pocket and places it around her neck.  It is shining so brightly that it is almost blinding.  "Yes!  That means we will be welcomed here!"

We start walking down the rocky cliff.  I see a cave along the way, but we don't take the time to check it out now.  We see two older winged horses join the young one.

"Hello!"  Jacob says as we come near to them.

"You must be the visitors," one of the older horses answers.  "I am Whisper."

"And I am Legend," says the tall brown one.  "This is my daughter, Fantasy."

"Wow, even your names sound magical!" says Lizzy.  "How did you know that we were coming?"

"Our leader told us," answered Legend.  "We will take you to her."

"There is no time to waste," Whisper answers.  "Your friends are in trouble."

"But you will help us?" I ask.

"We will help you," Legend says.  "But your success will depend mostly upon you."

"You can ride on our backs if you would like," Whisper says.  "It will be good for you to get used to riding flying horses.  But we will not be going far this time."

I ride on Whisper, Lizzy rides on Fantasy, and Jacob on Legend.  We ride bareback, but hang tightly to their bridles.  Luckily we are all used to riding horse.  But of course we haven't ridden flying horses before!  I catch my breath as Whisper takes to the sky!  We soar above the treetops.  The island is gorgeous!  There are lots of tropical-looking plants and flowers and birds.  It must be a very large island because I can't even see the surrounding water from here.  But in just a few minutes we land again. 

A black and silver horse without wings greets us.  "Welcome to Rainbow Island," she says.  "I have been waiting for you."

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