Nights Like These I Love (Human!Karkat X Reader)

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"Karkat!! You asshole, making me fucking wait in cold ass weather like this!!" You screech, wrapping the (f/c) scarf tighter around your neck as you attempted to warm yourself up.

So here you were, standing outside the door of your boyfriends house in the freezing cold temperature. Not to mention is was snowing like a bitch, which didn't help at all.

"Karkat!!!" You yell again, starting to lose feeling in your gloved fingers.

"Wait a fucking minute!!" Said a voice from behind the door before it was swung open.

He couldn't even greet you before you had thrown yourself into him and whine loudly.

"Jesus fuck! Don't launch yourself at me, especially when covered in snow. "He hissed, pushing you away so none of the snow hit his skin.

"Well maybe if you didn't make me wait in the snow, then I wouldn't be so... so... c-cold!" You groan, your teeth now chattering as you pry your coat and boots off.

"Sorry Asshat, but I can't fucking hear you when I'm in the shower. " He rolls his eyes, running his fingers through his wet hair to prove his point.

You huff and hang your jacket on the coat rack. Under that thick layer of protection, you were stupid enough to wear sweatpants and a tank top.

You were going to have a movie night with your boyfriend, and you were too lazy to pack a bag.

"Anyways.... " You sigh, rubbing your arms as you shiver. Karkat hisses and quickly embraces you in a hug. He could still hear you chattering as he slowly moved you two into the living room and onto the couch.

He walked off back upstairs, leaving you freezing. You furrow your eyebrows and hiss.

"Karkat get back here! You were the only thing keeping me warm!"

"Wait a fucking minute while I get us some goddamn blankets, Jesus christ!" He yells from the stairs before he closed the closet door and brought down a few fuzzy blankets before tossing them all onto you.

You laugh and soon make a pile and dive into it, completely concealing yourself.

"God you're so whiny. " He groans, looking down at your hidden form. You pop your head out of the blanket pile and hiss like a snake.

"Shut up you dick." He couldn't help but snicker as he leans down and plants a small kiss to your forehead, before he got up and walked to the kitchen saying he was going to get snacks or whatever.

Moving out of the pile and wrapping one around your shoulders like a cape. You get up and walk over to the fireplace before turning it on, then walking over to the window and opening up the red blinds, revealing the snowy world outside.

It looked like a wonderland. A cold, deadly, snow covered wonderland.

You grin slightly and stick your tongue out at the falling snow. "Haha! Can't get me now you cold ass bastard!"

"Who the hell are you talking to?"

"The snow!"

After pulling back the curtains, you took your seat back on the couch, covering a big blanket over your lap, making sure Karkat could snuggle under it as well.

Karkat soon walked into the room, setting down two mugs of hot chocolate and a huge ass bowl of popcorn.

"There you're welcome. "He huffed, falling back onto the couch as he crossed his arms and looked blankly at the screen.

You couldn't help but snicker as you lean over and pull him into the blanket and plant kisses onto his face.

"Stop smothering me in kisses. God, you're not my grandmother. "

"Karkat you don't have one."

"That's besides the point." He says before sitting up and grabbing the Xbox then heading to Netflix to find a movie to watch.

Yoy both decided one a movie, which was surprising because Karkat didn't suggest one single rom-com.

"Kar? Are you sick or some shit? You didn't even suggest a shitty rom-com that we've watched about a hundred times. " You state, taking a small gentle sip at your coco.

"No (y/n). Does it look like I'm fucking sick? Also, the rom-coms we have already watched are not thank you very much, the movies you choose are shit." You laugh loudly and roll you eyes, hugging him from the side.

"God this is why I love you. " You giggle as he sighs and wraps his arm around you, pulling you close to his side.

The snow had ceased falling, and the movie was almost over as well.

You and Karkat now were just mindlessly talking about random things. That's when you got an idea.

"Hey Karkat! Get on something war because we're going to play in the snow!" You chirp, jumping up quickly as you ran over to your coat and boots.

"Wait, who the fuck said I wanted to go outside?" He asked, standing up as he crossed his arms. It looked like he was pouting, awww cute.

"I did, now get something on or I swear to fuck. " You say, before opening the door and running out with a laugh.

Karkat threw his head back and face palmed groaning as he walked upstairs to get dressed.

You grin and hide behind the little snow wall you made as you take aim at the door, snow ball in hand.

The door soon was swung open and closed as Karkat stepped out in a black Hoodie, red scarf, grey jeans, and boots.

"There.... God is there anything that you don't wa-.... " He was cut off with a snow ball hitting his face as you cackled loudly and stood up, cheering.

"Woop woop!!" You watched as Karkat wiped the freezing snow off of his face as he growled and leaned down, grabbing some snow before throwing it at your face.

You yelp out in surprise and gasp, ducking down as you two began an hour snowball fight.

A loud thump was heard as both you and Karkat fall backwards into the snow, looking up at the starry sky.

"OK.... you win... "You pant, holding your sore arm. That was gonna hurt for awhile.

A ghost of a smile pulled at the corner of Karkat's lips as he smiled down at you, pulling you into his side as his gaze turned back to the sky.

" I love you Karkat... " You yawn, burying your face into his side. He blushed slightly, holding you close as he smiled and closed his eyes.

"Love you too." He smiled.

"Woah you didn't call me a rude nickname! Holy shit!" You laugh, poking his side. He yelped and slapped your hand away.

"Shut the fuck up. Let me enjoy this time without a fucking comment like that. "He huffed, crossing his arms. You giggle softly and plant a small kiss to his cheek before laying down and staring at the stars.

"Nights like these, I absolutely love."
done with another chapter
I'm so cool
Yeah in your dreams dipfuck lmfao

Happy reading.

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