Smile (Jade X Gender-Neutral!Reader)

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Requested by: no one lol
Had an urge to write a cute story for both genders with Jade lelel
I think a Dirk lemon is up next aughhh. Kek

An exhausted huff comes from you as you hulk the heavy wooden basket up the daisy covered hill, creating a trail as you trampled over the flowers, a certain emerald-eyed girl following In tow with a yellow checkered blanket.

"Go, (y/n)! Go, (y/n)! Use those muscles!" The girl mentioned earlier cheers from behind you, beads of sweat forming on your forehead, causing your hair to stick to your skin.

She laughs happily and cheers again, thinking that her words of encouragement finally got to you as you begin to walk faster, but in reality you finally reached the top and you wanted to just fucking get this goddamn thing away from you.

Getting to the top, you drop the basket and gasp out, not noticing that you were holding your breath to distract yourself from the pain in your arms from those last few feet up.

As if Jade knew, she immediately threw the blanket down onto the grassy hill, right under the shade of the tree just in time to catch your fall as you hit the floor with a groan into the blanket.

Jade giggles and walks over to move the basket, with ease, to the middle of the checkered blanket as she toes her black flats off and sits down.

A hand begins to soothe down your hair and a chill runs up your spine, a relaxed and content sigh coming from you. You quickly sit up upon hearing the wooden basket creak open as Jade passes you a semi-cold Izze.

"Thanks." You speak softly, your throat still a bit dry as you twist the metallic top off and take a gulp of the cool fizzy drink. Ah, the (f/c) was your favorite flavor.

"No problemo, (nickname)-o! You deserve it after doing that." She giggles happily, a hand covering her mouth as she closes her eyes. You couldn't help but smile. She was such a cute blessing.

"Now how about we break into those sandwiches you worked all day for?"


"Auughhh, I'm so full!" You whine softly, un-crossing your legs to fall back onto the floor, a hand on your belly. A laugh comes from Jade as she collapses next to you, also patting your full tummy.

"I would be too if I ate three sandwiches and cake!" She snorts almost motherly, poking you in the side, causing you to yelp out. You gasp and turn your head towards her, only to see her looking back at you challengingly.

"Why you little!" You turn to your side and immediately start to assault Jade's sides with pokes, pinches, and soft jabs. All the while, Jade attempts to keep a straight face, but her cheeks begin to turn red and she breaks out into a fit of laughter.

"Stop, stop!" She cackles harder, swatting her hands around to get you away, but you already have her legs straddled to keep her from moving those too.  "I'm gonna pee!"

You too begin to laugh as you hold her down, the tickles moving up and down her sides and at this point, she's not making any noise. Just those weird silent laughs while you're crying.

After a few more minutes of this, you cease your actions and watch as she gasps for air, her eyes snapping open as she pants softly, hands wiping away her tears and a large smile on her face.

"You suck so much, (y/n). You know that? Not fair!" Jade snorts, crossing her arms as you brush a few strands of hair from her face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't handle myself. " You giggle, staring into her bright green eyes. In them, you got lost and before you knew it, you were seeing memories.

Not just any ones, but the ones where she was in it.

Hangouts at the park with her and the others, science class experiments, and even prom and other parties.

A huge smile finds its way onto your face as you stare blankly at Jade, who grows a bit concerned and sits up a little and gives you a questioning look.

"Hey, (nickname)? You Alright?"Jade asks and before she knows it, she's being pulled into her lovers chest, their arms wrapping tightly around her frame.

"I just realize how much I love you and your everything." You him out loud to yourself, your chin resting on her head as she pressed her cheek to your chest, a red dusting her cheeks.

"Aww shucks, I re-"

"No I mean it Jade. Your hair, your eyes, your personality, the way you can make friends with anyone and also stand your ground, and holy shit that smile." You pull her away and press your thumb to her chin to make her look up at you. Her eyes were wide and cheeks a flamboyant red, it made you chuckle.

"I love you so much."

Jade smiles sadly and moves her arms to wrap around your neck as you both hit the floor, arms and legs tangled around eachother.

The rest of the evening is spent on the hill, picking flowers and making silly crowns, and when the stars come out, you both lay there and gaze at them.

"I love you too." She whispers.


Blargh I wanna die
I'm trying to complete a one shot for every single character and aaaaaah
I never thought it was gonna be complex, but it sort of is because I don't really know how to write for the character??

Like Porrim was hard. I did so much research for that damn thing on different places in France and shit lol



~Homestuck X Reader~ (One-Shot Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن