Lost Little Fawn (Witch!Aradia X Reader Halloween Special)

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"G-Guys? Come on, this isn't funny anymore! I'm calling the game off!!" You cry out, frantically looking around the silent and empty forest.

It was your friends bright idea to play hide and go seek in the dark, and look at that! You were it!

But, after hopelessly hunting for 30 minutes, you found no sign of them. Maybe it was because of you wandering DEEPER into the forest, and not paying attention to the trail you were on.

Well, now that trail was long gone, and you were bo-dunk no where in a fucking dark forest.

You bite your bottom lip and look around, head to the left where you thought you saw something move.

"Jade?" You question, heading to where the dark figure was, only to see nothing. "Huh..."

"Lost, little one?" A soft voice questions from behind you, causing you to spin around and stumble onto your ass.

You became a babbling mess as you watched the black cloaked figure walk to you, hands reaching up. Instantly you shield your face and whimper.

"Please don't hurt me!" You yelp, peaking through your fingers. Despite it being dark, it was still light enough for you to see the figure reach up to pull down her hood. Your jaw nearly. dropped.

Upon the figure pulling the hood to the black cloak down, you were immediately able to figure out the figure was a she due to her soft features and long curly locks of dark chocolate brown that faintly shimmered in the faint rays of light.

Her slightly tanned face seemed to glow in the moon rays as she fluttered her long eye lashes, eyes opening to reveal stunning maroon colored orbs that were glued onto your form that gawked at her beautiful face.

"Hurt you? Now.... why would I do that to such a lovely creature such as your self?" You swore you could see a faint smirk playing at her plump and soft looking lips, causing you to blush a deep red.

"U-Uh..... I-I.... "

"Now returning to my previous question, I will ask you again. Are you lost little one?" She asked, voice laced in what sounded like concern, but also sarcasm? You couldn't really tell, so you shook your head, still blushing like a fool.

"N-No! Actually I was just.....exploring you know. " You shrug casually. You could hear her chuckle as she closed her eyes and smiled sweetly.

"You're lying." She smiles.

"No I'm not!"

"You can't lie and get away with it, especially when talking to a witch like myself. Now get up. " She orders. You frown and lift an eyebrow, now confused.


"I said get up." And with that, she pointed her index finger at you and swiped up in the air. You yelp out in surprise as you feel yourself quickly get up on your feet.

"W-What..... h-huh.... h-how did you do tha-...."

"Like I said, I'm a witch. Now come my little fawn, I'll take you to my hut and you can leave when the sun rises once more. "She spoke and turned around, walking off.

You froze and watched her as she walked a few feet, noticing you weren't following. Without turning around she lifted her hand up and did a 'come here' motion and like that, your legs began to move involuntarily as you followed the very attractive Witch to her home.


"Now please, make yourself at home, fawn." She said, taking off her long black cloak and hanging it on her coat rack. You stood by the door, absolutely bewildered that witches actually existed. You must have been dreaming, so you punched your leg a bit to hard than what you meant to do, causing you to yelp.

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