Believe Me (Jake X Reader)

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So I'd like to first start off by saying, 

Holy shit I'm finally updating this. Lmfao.
Also, thanks so much for over 7k reads on this book, even if it's sort of eh.

So the song (y/n) will be singing is 'Everything Falls' by Fee. And yes, its genre is Christian, but pretend it's being directed to a loved one. The song is actually pretty good

PS, (y/n)'s reason of being sad is actually how I feel currently. I've literally had family deaths like uncle's and my dearest pets happening left and right. It's absolutely horrible honestly.

Anyways, thought I'd just give ya a heads up.


UPDATE: So...I wrote this chapter (along with the author's note above) I think back in December and when I was reading through it, I was like...

I don't really like this song anymore, the death of family members is still haunting me, but it's not as bad as it was in the past

But things are chill as fuck now

Anyways, yeah just felt the need to put that down.


Your relationship with Jake was everything, but fine. He believed everything was fine, but you thought it was horrible.

You felt horrible that he had to deal with your constant crying fits and outbursts. All because of the death of your dear, dear Uncle. But, that wasn't the end of that. The next week on the same day your Uncle passed, your best friend, your baby, your puppy (d/n) passed away. Both died of cancer.

Two months after that, everything started to look up and life was looking good, or so you thought. Shit hit the fan and you couldn't cope with the death of your friend who tragically passed away in a house fire. You were just sort of physically and emotionally done at that point. Spending all day in bed, occasionally getting up to use the bathroom or get something to eat was all the physical activity you got. You didn't really feel up to anything.

Jake as by your side ever since the first incident, always doing his best to try and cheer you up and try to get you physical again. Honestly, you couldn't have asked for a better best friend and man in your life, but you couldn't help but feel guilty. You weren't really able to show him your appreciation and even after countless times of thanking him over and over, he would give you a smile and kiss you on the head saying, 'It's my job,' but you were sure you would be able to get across to him through song.

'You're blessed with a heavenly voice!'

'You sound beautiful!'

'You have quite the talent,' Were some of the comments you got when you would perform in front of people. I mean, you sounded good in your opinion, but heavenly? You could have sworn some of those people were half deaf.

But, here you were, standing behind tall red velvet curtains, peeking out as you watched Jake enter the small cafe. He looked quite confused, probably wondering why the hell Roxy yelled at him to get his 'fine British ass' over here ASAP. The look of confusion cleared from his face as he shook his head of any negative thoughts and walked over to go buy a coffee.

A tap on your shoulder pulled you away from peeking out as you spun around to face your short (er) black haired friend.

"You ready darlin'?" Jane asked, her ruby red lips curling up into a smile as her sky blue eyes locked onto your nervous (e/c) ones.

"I-I don't really know, Jane." You stop to take a deep breath to cease the wavering in your voice. "What happens if he doe-." You were cut off by a finger pressing against your lips to shush you.

~Homestuck X Reader~ (One-Shot Series)Where stories live. Discover now