Rooftops (Davesprite X Reader Lemon)

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Requested by shesnoman
Heads up that this is a lemon, meaning smut, so there will be graphic content.

"Fuck him and fuck him making me walk up these goddamn stairs, and fuck him in general, and fuck him and his stupid wings, that stupid winged asshole." You mutter to yourself under your breath as you grip onto the cool metal railing of the what you assumed to be endless stairs as you hike your way up the last few steps before launching yourself into the steel door leading to the apartments roof.

Your body was hit by the harsh and bright rays of the bright bastard called the 'Sun,' causing you to wince before you hit the gravely pavement of the roof, the heavy door closing with a loud 'bang' grabbing the attention of a certain individual.

"Geez. Princess (y/n), as graceful as ever." The previously mentioned winged orange creamsicle states, perked on one of the big metal electrical boxes.

"Fuck off, Dave. You fucking twat. "You hiss, getting up on your feet again as you brush your shorts and tank top off.

"Now, that isn't proper language for a lady-" A loud distressed caw echoed as Davesprite was pelted in the head with a small pebble that you had hucked at him. Crossing your arms, you grinned as you watched him curl up, wings and neck feathers all ruffled up.

"That's right. I'm the alpha." You snicker, trotting on over to him and taking a seat next to the fluffy orange ball. He unfurls himself and straightens his posture, hands behind him as he props himself up as if nothing happened.

"Not in bed, you're not." You blush a dark red as he sends you a smirk, eyebrow raising from behind his shades. 'Tch' ing, you turn your head to the side, hand waving him off.

"You'd like to think that." You send a playful glare his way and before he can continue on the conversation, you cut him off with another question. "Why did you wanna come up here? It's like, 95° degrees."

"Wanted to see if the witch would burn in the immense heat."

"You bitch. Keep making snarky ass comments like that and I will turn into a witch." You snicker, pouncing on him and off the electrical box and onto the floor. He squawks in surprise, his orange tail slithering against the pavement as he stares up at you.

You lace your fingers in his, causing a light pink to cover his cheeks as you straddle him. You lift his hands up and begin to pull on his fingers as he yelps.

"I might even take these fingers of yours and make them into a soup!" You cackle evily as Davesprite pulls his hands away from you, holding one to his chest.

"Oh hell no. You ain't making my birdy fingers into a fucked up concoction of hair, rabbit legs, and whatever else witches use."

There was a short window of silence before you both erupt into a fit of laughter. You lean down and rest your head on his chest, trying to catch your breath the best you could, tears practically forming in your eyes.

It wasn't always like this. It took you a month to get him to be open with you, 3 months get him to crack a smile, and 6 months to get him to laugh. A year later, and this is where you were at. Best friends.

As the laugher began to die down you sit back up to see Davesprite looking at you, hands now on either side of his head. It reminded you of some rather lewd and graphic positions.

~Homestuck X Reader~ (One-Shot Series)Where stories live. Discover now