Part 24

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Two weeks have passed since Kiana's first meeting with Hunter, and though both her and Lucas promised that things were going well Josiph was still in the dark. He didn't know anything about Hunter's progress. Josiph has even tried to ask Lucas about how things were going, but he refused to give anything away. Instead he would change to conversation to a different topic and keep away from Hunter's progress. Josiph even went as far as asking Hunter how things were going but within minutes Hunter would say that it was top secret, and that he was under oath. Then there was Steve. Out of all of them Steve was the worst because everytime Josiph tried to talk to him he would walk the opposite direction, and when he couldn't he would avoid the question completely.

It was the worst not knowing anything about Hunter's progress, and logically Josiph could have forced any of them to tell him the truth, but in doing so he would risk losing so many people including Lucas, and he was one of the most important.

In other news since the first kiss between the two over two weeks ago Lucas officially moved into the Alpha house and into Josiph's room. Pack members began to question why the two alpha's shared different houses so to fix that they moved together.

Maggie and Paul also moved out of the house and kept talking about how they wanted to give space to the new mates, which was their way of saying they were giving permission to officially mate. Even Derek tried to leave, but after a heated discussion he stayed behind.

As for Steve and Kiana, they moved back into the blue house. All the repairs were fixed and the words on the porch covered so it was safe for them now. However, they too gave an excuse talking about more space and that the guest house was cleared up again, but their true reasons were in the questions always asked.

"Have you mated with him yet?" Kiana would ask every chance she got. She would ask Lucas who would tell her no, and then she would turn to Josiph and ask the same question. He too would tell her no, just seconds before she would ask why. Steve also would ask the questions but his were always in the words of a hint. He would bring it up in some random topic and when it lead to mating he would ask. He received the same question as well.

In other news there would be a new addition to the family in the next year. Josiph received the information only months ago about a young boy named Tyler who lost his parents in a car accident. He was to be the alpha in his pack but since he was only five years old he was considered not ready. His new alpha who was the Beta has not been told, and probably would never know because it was under suspicion that he may have caused the accident to become alpha so instead Josiph was called.

The two have talked about it a couple of times and began the paperwork for the adoption, and in only a year they would become parents. Mating would have to happen before they could actually be fathers, but the werewolf adoption services were willing to wait. However, no one in the pack new the news, and neither were ready to say anything until they knew for sure that the young boy would be their child.

Lastly there was the patrolling around the territory. Since no one officially knows when Lucian will declare his fight all members have been asked to stay in groups of five while on patrol. There's also recommendations that members stay in groups of four during all periods of the day, and this mostly includes Kiana and Lucas, but everyone has been advised to do so. It's one of the best defences available to the pack until the alpha fight is claimed and finished. Everyone was hoping that everything would go according to plan.

"Kiana believes that Hunter should be ready to take his first transformation," Lucas was saying just minutes after entering the house from his night patrol. Josiph was in the bathroom getting ready for a shower when he came in. He was hanging up his jacket and taking his shoes off as he went on, "She wants to set a date to go into the woods with Hunter and a few of the pack members."

Josiph nodded, "Do you think that he is ready? I mean she doesn't need to rush with everything that is going on."

"I have faith in my sister that she has done a good job with Hunter," Lucas said smiling. "I do believe that he is ready, but we don't want to put too much pressure on the boy, which means only a few members can be there."

Again Josiph nodded in understanding. "Does Kiana know why his wolf refused to reveal himself for so long?"

"Sadly not," Lucas said shaking his head. "Finding out the source of that problem will take a bit longer, and even then we can't be too sure if the information is true or not." The bed squealed when Lucas sat down. "There could be many reasons as to why Hunter was not able to transform with the rest of his age group. However, the there are only two that Kiana and I have ever heard of in our pack The first one was a human mating with a werewolf."

"Are you saying that Hunter is not Zach's child?" Josiph shouted sharply facing Lucas.

Lucas flinched but other than that he seemed to not care. "No I'm not saying that," he replied strongly looking up at Josiph. "Hunter looks too much like Zach, and as Kiana pointed out during the first meeting. She wanted to rule out all possibilities as to why Hunter was not transforming, and that was the main one."

"Which means?"

"Which means there is only one possibility left." Lucas said. "Stress. Since Hunter failed his first attempt at transforming it seems that his family has put him through a lot of stress. They've almost given up on him, and put him to the back of their minds forcing him on every doctor possible and when those failed they pushed him to another. This happens in very few cases though, and if it not fixed quickly the child will never transform."

"So, the age of eighteen when most of the newly transformed wolves find their mates and begin to live together," Josiph concluded. "That is also the last chance that a young wolf has to take his first transformation?" Lucas nodded so Josiph went on, "When does Kiana want to test out if Hunter is capable to transform?"

"She would like to do that tomorrow evening. Only seven from the pack will be allowed to officially go, and during the next full moon phase, Hunter will transform with the others like he attempted to do last month. Only this time he won't be left behind during the run."

"I would figure. Where are we all meeting?" Josiph asked.

"Kiana picked that we would meet here tomorrow. We will head into the woods behind the Alpha house after everyone arrives."

"Okay." Josiph replied, "Who all is coming?"

"You, as alpha and myself. Kiana will be there along with Steve. Also Hunter, Zach and Diane will be there." Lucas said.

Josiph nodded.

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