Part 3

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On their arrival back to the Belmont Bay's territory, Paul sent one of the lower rank wolves to meet up with Josiph and Derek and ask them to meet up with the two of them at the alpha's house for a meeting. Meetings would take place in the basement of the alpha house, and usually involved welcoming new wolves into the pack for mating purposes, or for those wolves who just wanted a fresh start.. Once in a while the grounds were also used for the signing of a new alpha, or beta in the pack. The meeting grounds were also used for everyone to have a great time, and be with everyone in the pack. The room was sometimes also used for a remembrance when one pack member passed away either from old age or from an accident. However, this was different because Paul hadn't called a meeting in the room for years, and his thirtieth and last time was when he was leaving his position as alpha.

"What's up father?" Josiph asked turning to his father. He was walking through the doorway of the meeting room when he finally spoke.

Paul was standing at the front of the room facing the chair he once called his own. It was a wooden chair that had been carved perfectly out of a 100-year-old tree about a mile away from the alpha house. Everything was preserved including the moss that had grown on the bark legs, and the vine leaves which his father had wrapped around the arms of the chair. "I can't believe none of this is mine anymore. All of this," he said, slowly running his hand along the back of the chair before looking up and out into the room. Various colors of streamers were still in place, looping effortlessly around each of the marble columns, and around the ceiling lights from the last member acceptance of the pack. Tables and chairs were in rows with the table covers still on them, and games were laid out throughout the room for the younger generation of wolves to play. It was Josiph's first meeting, and wouldn't be his last either.

It looked like a bit of a mess as of now, but on days where the room wasn't being used, the room had more of a Victorian feel to it. Everything about it was just perfect.

"Have you found her yet?" Paul asked looking at Josiph for the first time since he'd entered the room.

"What do you mean?" Josiph asked. It was like he was trying to pretend as if he didn't know what his father was talking about.

"Considering I just recently received a call from an old friend of mine in another pack talking about how you were roaming around looking for your mate in his pack," Paul said stopping to take a breath before going on, "I figured I might as well ask." Again he stopped to take a breath before finishing, "You do know that you better start being careful about how you're going on about this. Someone is going to notice, and I don't just mean an old friend of mine either."

"I know," Josiph replied. His head hung low which wasn't normal for an alpha, but then again he was talking to his father, and his former alpha. He had to show some respect, unlike some of the new alphas who treated their former alphas with disrespect. "That is why I have decided to stop looking for her," Josiph then added, looking at Derek who just started entering the room. He had been walking slowly to give father and son some privacy, and only just heard the ending of the conversation. Silently, the two knew the real reason for stopping, and it wasn't Josiph who said to stop.

Paul just nodded, keeping quiet for what seemed like forever, but instead was only minutes. "Son, I mean this in all honesty, from father to son, not pack wolf to alpha, but do you really feel like you're ready to be alpha of this pack?" he asked, looking away and back to his old chair before looking back to Josiph. He seemed to miss his chair and being the alpha of his pack. His expression gave that much away even if he wouldn't voice the words. "I don't want you being occupied looking for your mate, and less on your own pack. People will start noticing."

"I know father. I am ready for this though. Being alpha means everything to me, but it seems like I'd pretty much lost my head in the last month looking for her," Josiph replied walking to the front of the room before continuing, "I can feel her close by, but not close enough, and my wolf is fighting to find her. It's taking so much energy out of me not to let him win." He took a breath and went on, "The thing is, my wolf is winning at times, and I just don't have the willpower to fight it every single minute of the day. I just want to find her."

"I know how you feel son. Remember I had the same feeling when I found your mother." Josiph gave Paul a confused look, and Paul just smiled to him before going on. "I felt like I was in a losing battle for a while before finding your mother. She was such a wanderer. It took me months to find her too, and when I did find her my wolf relaxed immensely. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when I finally had her in my arms, and in my pack. I was younger than you were, and not yet alpha, but it was still the same feeling." He smiled, looking lost in his thoughts about his wife. "But the wait also made me stronger. It made me realize that I could survive on my own, and take care of what was needed in the pack. It made my wolf stronger too. It was difficult not having her, yes, but because of it, I was able to survive longer periods of time without her being so close to me. I didn't go farel as some wolves actually do when they are unable to find their mate for long periods of time. I made sure that didn't happen, and told my wolf that we would find her no matter the cause," Paul said, walking down the steps and directly to Josiph. "It was a blessing when I was able to find her, and it will be a blessing when you are able to find her too. You just have to give it time," he said placing his hand on Josiph's shoulder Paul."She will find you, just as you will find her."

"I know father. Thank you."

"No problem, my son, and in other news, I think I might have some information that might just cheer you up." Paul smiled.

"What sort of information would that be?" Josiph asked questionably.

"Well, I have heard from some scouts that they have scented out some other werewolves in the area. None of them are from our pack, or from any other packs around here," Paul said.

"How is that good news?" Josiph asked. "It sounds like horrible news to me, not good. Wolves are on our territory doing who knows what. How can that possibly be good news to anyone including you, father?" Josiph asked. His voice went up an octave as he spoke.

Unfazed, Paul started speaking again, "To most alpha's it wouldn't be good news. Actually, even to me it would be terrible news, and I would be sending out a search party out to capture and kill if necessary, but considering the circumstances-"

Interrupting Josiph said, "What circumstances?"

"One of them is female, and the other two are male," Paul replied calmly.


Paul nodded as an answer.

"Does anyone have a clue where they're located?"

"As of now, no. It was only a scent, and it could be an older scent which would mean they are further away, but it could also be a newer scent," Paul explained as he started pacing the room in front of Josiph. "I have sent out a few more scouts in the area to sniff them out, but nothing has come back yet."

"Good work father. Would you be able to report back to me when more information is available?" Josiph asked.

"Yes, of course." He nodded."The next group should be coming back in about ten minutes with more information on where the scent is headed, and where the three are going."

"Alright," Josiph said. "I guess I will be in my office filling out some paperwork. Once you find out anything please come to me immediately."

"Will do," he agreed, as he stopped his pacing. Josiph patted his father on the back before turning around and leaving the meeting room with Derek directly behind him.

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