Chapter 1

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I moved. I moved all the way to District 2, far away from Katniss. I couldn't bear to see her in so much pain. The pain I've caused. Why couldn't I see at the beginning that making the weapon is just as worst as letting the weapon off? District 2 is a much better place, away from the heart break and trauma I have caused in District 12. I hate myself more and more every day, knowing that Katniss will never forgive and I will never see her again.

It takes a lot of strength to get up in a morning. But I know if I didn't the pain would just get worse until there is no ME left.

I found myself a new job; I now belong to the Capitol. As I am a Peacekeeper. I hide myself away, behind the pristine white suit and helmet. Though I am not proud of myself for accepting the job, it does take my mind off the things that now and will forever haunt me.

I found myself being taken to District 10 to help guard. I feel good about this change; I can't bear to keep seeing the face of Cato, Clove, Enobaria and Brutus' families. Who know who I am and know that my best friend helped kill their daughters, sons, bothers and sisters.

I arrive at District 10. We enter the district. It looks so tidy and quiet whilst in District 2 it was busy and noisy. Whilst I am going to the Peacekeeper Head Quarters. I see a girl, a girl who reminds me of Madge Undersee, the Mayors daughter. I look at her, she looks up and then her lips move.

Meet me at the farmers hut. Tonight at 7. See you then.

Her eyes tear away before saying the last word.


I wonder how she knows my name. I am getting ready. My mind keeps telling me that I shouldn't go it would be a trap. But my heart says it could be Madge and what if it is, could I lose her again?

7 comes round faster than I had hoped. I go to the farmers hut to see a girl in a floral dress sitting on a bale of hay.

"I never died Gale. I got taken away before we got bombed. I was told to go under the name of Petal Tiddly. I got put in District 10. Every day I wish I could have said something to you to show you mean everything to me. Every day I get informed on your whereabouts. When you became a Peacekeeper, I was mortified at you for letting the Capitol take control of you. Well that is until I got told you would be stationed here in District 10. I was glad that they put you here. I waited for you for hours today. Just to catch a glimpse of you. Then I saw you looking at me as if to say you recognised me. That's why I brought you here."

Madge or should I say Petal came into the light. I saw her baby blue eyes look at me. I grabbed her and pulled her close and told her never to leave me again. I realised just how much I missed her and how I wanted her to be my girl. She pulled away first and said "I would never leave you. Ever."

I looked into her gorgeous eyes:

"I love you Madge, I always have done. I see you coming out of your house sometimes. I didn't think you'd want to see me, after what I did to Katniss and Peeta. I thought that, if you were alive, you'd hate me and you'd never want to see me again..."

"None of this is your fault Gale. It was Coins plan all along. Kill Katniss' little sister, so she'd be on Coins side. You didn't set off the bombs, you didn't know. Gale, how could you think like that? You know deep down, Katniss still treasures you. Sometimes she'd come and see me when you were at the mines. She'd tell me over and over again how much you meant to her, no matter what happens Katniss will always love you. Same as I will."


Authors notes - I don't blame Gale for what happened to Prim! More soon!

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