Derek nodded, "I will make sure to let them know before they leave for the night."

"Thank you." Josiph replied just as Lucas walked back into the room.

"They're holding our things for us, and we will be able to pick them up in the morning," He said both to Kiana and Steve.

"Would you be able to get a refund for the days we didn't stay at the hotel?" Kiana asked. "I mean that is money we are going to need."

"I talked to them about that," Lucas said walking to Kiana and Steve. "They have agreed to give us a refund only on those days since we were able to find a place before the time was up. When we pick up our things tomorrow we can pick up our refund as well." He finished with a smile.

"Good." Kiana smiled.

"Yes, that is good." Josiph replied. He too had a smile forming on his face as he walked to Lucas. Lucas turned around in surprise as Josiph kept talking, "After you get your supplies I'll be glad to show you around the territory and introduce you guys to the other members of the pack."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Lucas asked biting his bottom lip.

"Yes. It would be a good way for the other members in the pack to get to know your scent and understand that you are apart of the pack now rather than just some wolf they need to watch out for." Josiph replied. "Less problems when your scent is noticed this way."

Lucas nodded in agreement, "What about scouting? Don't you think that other members of the pack might be a little intimidated by three new members having the responsibility to protect them? Some might take it the wrong way."

"At first it might be a bit awkward with the three of you walking the perimeters with other members, but they will get used to it. Derek and I will accompany you on your first perimeter run with a few other members, and then after that you will permanently join other members."

"Okay." Steve nodded taking a step toward Lucas. He seemed interested in being able to help out which was great. "When exactly would that be?"

"Tomorrow." Derek piped in, "After you get your things and meet us back here. We will begin the transition of show you to the rest of the pack and showing you around the perimeter. A month after that we will have the ceremony for member joining. This will be on the full moon night."

Kiana's head lowered as Lucas began speaking, "Can the ceremony be done during the day rather than at night?"

"Why?" Josiph asked.

"Just an idea. We don't know the territory, and anyone could pop up like Lucian." Lucas replied. His voice was stern and didn't waver as he spoke the words.

"We can discuss that later."

"Okay. Then we will see you tomorrow." Lucas replied. "We should probably head to bed anyways. Oh and before I forget could we borrow a car for tomorrow as well?"

"You don't own a car?" Derek asked his head tilting to the left in question.

"We do but it's back at the hotel. We will only need it for a few minutes, and Steve will accompany me. He will drive the car back, and I will bring your car back here." Lucas smiled.

"Not a problem. you can borrow my truck." Josiph smiled at Lucas. "I'll grab the keys."

Lucas smiled in thanks and Josiph turned to the living room to get the truck keys. When he returned Lucas was talking to Maggie and Paul. "Lucas," Josiph started and Lucas turned to him with a bigger smile on his face. Placing the keys into Lucas's hand Josiph accidently ran his finger against his palm causing Lucas to shiver. When a small spark emerged from the two they jumped back hoping no one else had seen.

"Um.." Lucas stuttered. "I'll make sure to bring your truck back in one piece." Lucas smiled pretending as if nothing had happened. His eyes glowing a bright white said otherwise.

Josiph laughed but stared at Lucas, "You do that."

"So I guess we will call it a night?" Kiana said. She was standing beside the door with Steve by her side, and the two of them were staring at Lucas and Josiph.

"Yeah." Lucas replied quickly turning around and walking to the door. "Good night." He whispered.

"Night." Derek and Paul replied waving.

"Good night sweetie," Maggie said cheerfully.

"Night." Josiph smiled following behind the group and waiting until they were out of sight before closing the door. He kept smiling even after the door was closed and he was facing his parents again.

"That went well." Paul replied with a clap of his hands. Maggie squealed in surprise at the sound and Derek laughed. "Sorry hun." Paul then whispered wrapping his arms around Maggie.

She smiled but chose not to answer him. Instead she grasped his hand in her own and they continued to stare fondly at one another.

Alpha Male *extended version*Where stories live. Discover now