Sunday, July 3rd, 2011. Note to Self: Wheels+ stairs = BAD!! =(

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Dear journal, (I'm going to name you Sir Larry Charles Richard the Third)

Today's note to self: Wheels + Stairs = BAD!!! =(

I guess thats kind of a no brainer though... Meh oh well you learn something new every day!

To explain how I learned this lesson: WELL... I should never EVER stay home alone again. My parents went out for dinner, and I was supposed to babysit Jame (my parents thought James sounded like there was more than one of him and NOBODY wants that) but then he went to his friend's house. So I was home alone.

I wanted to learn to skateboard, so I went into the garage and stole Jame's skateboard. Being the vain blonde child I am, I didn't want to wreck my hair by wearing a helmet. I was skating on the driveway and it was pretty easy, so I took out some of my bro's ramps. Those were fun too =). It seemed like I was pro too, cause when some super insanely hot guys walked past, they whistled at me and asked if I had been skating for a while and when I said I just started today, they stared at me like I was crazy and invited me to go skating with them <3

So there were two of them and one had dark brown hair and dark eyes and tanned skin and THE MOST SEXIEST ABS ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! I like almost died. And his name was ummm... Seth. Yeah! His name was Seth! He was super tall too. He was like Taylor Lautner, but even hotter. Aha I can say I kissed a guy hotter than Taylor Lautner now! <3 Whoops did I just say that! Aha =)

The other guy OMG he had light blue eyes, long blonde surfer hair, tanned skin and even better abs than Seth! This guy's name was Brodie and I super remember him =) He is soooooo good at making out <3. Aha well you know what they say, you don't have to be dating a girl to be making out with her =)

I love how they both thought I was hot! I guess living in Santa Barbra has some benifits =). My blonde wavy hair looked perfect and I was tanned and my boobs are a nice size and aparently I looked smoking hot and being able to skate is a bonus! I LOVE GUYS!! <3

Wait what was my point again?

OH RIGHT! Well after our "break" (makeout sesh with Brodie and Seth was wheeling some slut) we went over to the stairs and rails. Seth and Brodie were jumping the stairs and sliding down the rails, but I didn't want to cause I thought it was slightly stupid. Only slightly.

After Brodie kissed me again and told me I'd be fine and that if I tried to jump the stairs that he'd date me, I gave in and tried. I actually didn't die! I kept going and going and going and it was so much fun!

After and hour of making out and jumping stairs, my parents called me to say that they'd be back tomorrow and that Jame was sleeping over at his friend's house. YAY! I told Brodie and he invited me to this beach party that his friend was throwing. See, Brodie was sixteen, and I'm almost fifteen so... and I'm going into grade ten and he's going into grade eleven so...


At the party, we went swimming, and made out, and swam, and he called me hot, and we had some coolers, and I don't drink beer, and we were just some of the few who didn't smoke pot. But I was drunk and that wasn't good. Brodie was smart enough to know that we had just met today and sex was NOT an option, but the party moved from the beach to the skate park.

Brodie wasn't as smart at the skatepark though =(. All of the guys started skating, and then Brodie started bragging to his buddies that his girlfriend ( LOVE SAYING THAT!!!!! <3) could whoop their asses at a skate off!

Not. A. Good. Idea. At. All.

I was powning the guys at the skate off, when we went to the stairs. Armed with my confidence and the adreniline from a kiss, I was set to whoop these guys asses! I was skating full speed towards the stairs prepared to do what I did earlier, but I think the alcohol slowed my reflexes. I jumped too late, and toppled down the stairs. It was a lot of stairs.

I hit the bottom and nearly blacked out. Brodie came rushing to my side, and helped me away from the crowd of people. He walked me back to my house and checked for broken bones and bruises and bumps. I came away mostly unscathed, but I had sprained my ankel and had some bruises.

Luckily, Brodie was trained in first aid. He helped me so I wouldn't have to make my weekly visit to the hospital. He asked if my parents would worry about me hurting myself, and I told him it happened regularly. He laughed, tucked me into bed, and kissed me goodbye. It was past midnight and he had to get home. He said he'd stop by at ten to check on me.

He is so sweet! <3

So maybe the lesson from today, or yesterday, cause it's after midnight, is that ALCOHOL+WHEELS+STAIRS= BAD AND HOT GUYS!!! <3

Not a good lesson. Except maybe I shouldn't drink. Meh c'est la vie!

Goodnight Sir Larry Charles Richard the Third!

aha I didn't forget your name!

Love Always,

                  Kaytee XOXO <3

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