Wednesday July 27th, 2011, Note To Self: Life Sucks, But I'm Not Dead

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Dear Larry Dick,

I'm still calling you that because I need something to make me laugh.

Breanne isn't here today because she had to go home and get most of her stuff. I called my mom and asked if she could move in and she said that Breanne could stay until she went to university. My mother isn't gonna pay for her university nuh uh that's Breanne's parents's jobs.

Aha I almost wrote gobs instead of jobs. WHOOPS.

Anyway, right now life sucks. Breanne's phone is dead and she already packed the charger so she can't charge it, and I have nobody else to talke to. I'm bored as shit so instead of waiting for something to happen (which is highly unlikely because I'm spending the whole day in bed... ALONE! Don't get any ideas... I'm not a slut like Tiffany) I'm just gonna write.

I have my beautiful note to self idea because in the Twilight books (yes I read them don't judge... Nerd school is torture) There's a chapter called

Life sucks, then you die.

Except I'm not dead yet.

And I just figured out that if I bitched on Man Whore, Bitch and Slutty McSlutterpants, they wouldn't take me seriously because I swear all the time. They took Breanne seriously and were offended because she never ever swears at anyone. So.. I'm gonna stop swearing so when I do I get taken seriously.

And also, anyone who is a cheater is a Brodie, a betrayer is a Ella and a lying backstabbing slutty ass son of a bitch is a Tiffany.

I'm sooooo loving <3.

Yea so that basically sums up my eventful day....

And Maxwell actually came home so I have to see what he wants...

No I don't who cares about fucking Maxwell. I'll just keep watching Jackass 3...

I'm cool.

So yeah...



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