Breaching the Walls

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    Jackson's whole body tensed against my back when his mother spoke those gut wrenching words, confusion and pain flooded our link as soon as she announced to us that Lorcan was in fact their brother. Not only their brother, but the product of what his horrible Uncle had done to poor Charlotte, his own Mate.

    My head was reeling I didn't know what to do or what to say in this horrible situation. This all seemed like information that they should have kept in the family and yet here I was being trusted with secrets such as these.

And Jackson, my poor Jackson's whole world seemed to crumble with just the reveal of these two dark secrets. Goddess, I hadn't even told him about his father and my mother being mates and now we have all of this thrust upon us as well.

    Without another word Jackson pushed us both to stand, lightly kissed my forehead before striding over to his mother and pulling her into his protective embrace. My eyes stung with tears watching him hold her to his chest, he then kissed her forehead and swiftly left the room.

    (Jackson?) whispering into our mate link, wanting to know where he was going. (Give me sometime... that's all I need, Love.) he quickly replied in a mono-toned voice as his despair and anguish pulsed openly through our link.

    Biting my lip as tears started to stream down my cheeks for all the pain my poor Jackson and the whole family had to now deal with. (Okay Jackson... take all the time you need.) trying to keep my voice steady and calm, needing, wanting to be strong for him.


    That was the last somewhat of a conversation Jackson and I had over the last two weeks. Jackson engrossed himself in hunting down Kian, Alpha K or whatever you wanted to call him and his rogues.

Jackson barely came home and when he did he was distant, standoffish and extremely on edge. He would hardly speak to anyone in the family except for his father.

Poor Lorcan was at a lose at why Jackson had started to shut him out. Charlotte did her best to reassure him and the rest of the family about Jackson's cold attitude, simply explaining that Jackson was having a tough time with the Pack's rogue issue.

    Elisa and I both tried to distract ourselves from all the tension building around both of the house. So today I decided that I was going to take her and the twins with me to do some training. Having been slipping up on it, having been so wrapped up in my concern for my mate, but since he refused to let me help him...


I was determined to turn my focus onto something more productive then worry. Jackson would link or seek me out if he needed me, until then I had to burn off all this anger and frustration that's been building inside me.

    "Totally excited your coming with us, Elisa." Keagan chuckled grabbing her by the forearm and shaking her. She laughed, rolling her eyes at him.

    "You'll love it, Elena is bad ass for a chick." Logan jumped in sounding just as excited.

    "Hey." scoffing at him, offended by the 'for a chick' remark.

    "No offense... You totally rock." he quickly recovered, flashing the treacherous Boudreaux smirk that all the men in this family seem to posses.

    Shaking my head, I led them out toward one of the training circle in the pack houses back yard, making sure to pick one far enough way so that none of the little pups running around playing would get in the way.

    Stretching out my muscles and rolling my shoulders as the twins followed suit, I decided i should question Elisa on what skills she already had.

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