Chapter 23: The Calm Before the Storm

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update guys! High school is hard😔!

This will be one of the last chapters in 1990. After this, things will really start to pick up. I've changed my original plot of this story so much, because I realized how slow things are going.

There's going to be a lot of Marshall stereotypes, things that you've read about in my Eminem FanFictions Rant, in honour of Marshall's 43rd birthday.

Marshall, happy motherfucking birthday. You're getting old... JK. Actually not JK, you actually are getting old so...

One of my favourite things said about Marshall is "he ages like fine cheese"~ @ZoeTheHalfrican

I'm still laughing at that. I will laugh for 10171972 years. <-- that was intentional, by the way.

Damn I'm rambling on! Let's start with the chapter, yeah?

Aurora couldn't contain her happiness; she and Marshall were finally together. It felt like she had waited five millennia for it to finally happen. She had been extremely elated recently; there seemed to be a permanent smile etched on her face, and a hop in her step when she walked. She happily took a bite out of the apple she grabbed from the fridge. Her mom had noticed her sudden change in attitude and was curious.

"What's up with you?" Sarah asked her daughter. "You've been awfully happy recently." she added, looking at her suspiciously.

"What, can't I be happy?" Aurora asked, as she bit out of the apple again.

"Well, of course you can be happy but... it's like you ate out of a cloud."

Aurora laughed at her mom's simile. "Well, um... me and Marshall are together." she chirped.

Sarah groaned in relief. "Finally! Took you guys long enough."

Aurora looked at her mom quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"I've known you like him for a long while." she revealed.

"It's more than just liking him." Aurora said sheepishly.

"You love him?" Sarah asked. "Can't say I'm surprised." she added.

"Was it that obvious?" Aurora cringed.

"Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to lie?"

"Mom!" Aurora shouted.

"I'm only kidding, sweetie."

"Mhmmm, sure you are." Aurora playfully rolled her eyes. "I'm curious... how did you and dad meet?" she asked, throwing the apple core away.

"Well, I moved from Miami to Los Angeles for college to pursue my dream to become a nurse. After college, I had enough money to buy a car, so I went to a dealership. I bought a light blue used '68 Honda Civic. A while after I bought it, it started to have problems with the transmission. I took it to the mechanic, who was your dad. He ended up having to replace the whole transmission since it was so damaged. It was a lot of money, but I was really attached to the car, so I was willing to spend the cash. Then I went to a Lakers game a couple months later with my friends, and there he was sitting behind us with his friends. Sadly the Lakers ended up losing, but he asked me out that night. We started dating not long after that, and then two years after we met he proposed to me. We got married and less than a year later, we had you."

"Wow, you really hit it off, huh?"

"Yes. I had never fallen in love that quickly before. And you know, the way you look at Marshall is the same way I used to look at Darrell. I noticed that at your birthday party."

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