Chapter 10: Unexpected Happenings Part 1

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His friend pulled out a pistol and aimed it at her.

"Yo, drop the fucking gun." Marshall said adamantly.

"I don't think I will, white boy."

"Can you just drop the gun?" Mike asked.

"Drop the fucking gun!" Matt yelled.

"Just drop the gun, man. Please" DeShaun said.

Aurora squeezed her eyes shut, and waited for something to happen, but nothing did. Suddenly, she heard the man fire four times, but she didn't feel any pain.

She opened her eyes, and Marshall was in front of her, bent over on his knees, groaning in pain. Aurora stared in shock.

The man had terrible aim, so the first two shots missed Marshall. But the second two managed to land his shoulder. The group of men quickly dispersed before the police could come.

Aurora rushed to Marshall's side and covered her mouth with her hands. There was a steady flow of blood coming from Marshall's shoulder.

"Quick! Somebody call 911!" Aurora yelled. "Oh my god! Marshall!"

DeShaun and Mike were still in shock, and immobile. Matt, who snapped out of his shock, whipped out his chunky phone and dialled 911.

"911, what's you're emergency?" A lady asked.

"My friend! He got shot!"

"Where is your location?"

"We're at 81145 West 7 Mile! Please hurry! Jesus Christ, please hurry!" Matt yelled.

"Ok sir, we'll be there in five minutes."

"Thank you!" Matt hung up and told the others that they would be there in five minutes.

"Damn, that's a lot of blood." he observed, looking at the stains it left on Marshall's clothes. DeShaun had tightly wrapped his sweater around Marshall's shoulder area. The bleeding had reduced but a lot, but still some found its way out of the wound. Aurora had laid Marshall's head in her lap, and she was gently stroking his hair. He was slipping in and out of consciousness, and was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Marshall, keep your eyes open, they're almost here, okay?" Aurora asked, her tears dripping onto his face.

"Mmmmmm." he mumbled weakly.

"Just hold on, please?" Aurora pleaded caressing his cheek. He nodded and really tried to keep his eyes open, because but the amount of blood he was lost, his eyes fluttered closed.

Finally, the EMTs and police arrived at the scene. That was the longest five minutes Aurora ever had to go through.

"He's lost consciousness." A woman noted to a man. Once they got the stretcher out of the ambulance, they removed Marshall from Aurora's lap. They started to lay Marshall onto the stretcher, but being careful to avoid touching his gunshot wound. While they were doing that, a black haired police officer came over to question Aurora, DeShaun, Mike and Matt.

"I'm Officer Anderson. Could you guys describe what happened?" he asked.

They took turns giving Officer Anderson information, from playing basketball to the men hitting on Aurora, to finally Marshall getting shot. Although the descriptions of the men were vague, it was still a start.

"Thank you for your cooperation." he said, finishing writing notes in his pad.

The paramedics had Marshall in the ambulance, and were about to close the doors.

"Wait, I thought we were coming with you?" Aurora asked them.

"Unfortunately, we can't take you with us unless you're his immediate family."

Aurora, Mike, Matt and DeShaun were crestfallen. The paramedics closed the doors and the ambulance drove away.

"Tell you what kids, I don't usually do this but... I'll give you a ride to the hospital." Officer Anderson said.

Their eyes lit up and they piled into the cop car, thanking him.


At the hospital, DeShaun, Mike, Matt and Aurora were at the front desk.

"We're here to see Marshall Mathers." Mike said. The nurse flipped through pages and was reading something.

"He's in room 124B, but he isn't accepting visitors right now." she replied.

"What? Why?" Matt asked.

"He's currently in surgery. He's getting the bullets removed."

"So when can we see him?" Aurora asked.

"In about... two to four hours." the nurse said. It was currently 9:40, so the surgery would finish around or after midnight.

"Two to four hours?" DeShaun relayed incredulously.

"Of course you're welcome to stay in the waiting room, while you wait for your friend to be done with the surgery. Does he have any parents we can contact?" she asked.

"Um yeah, he has a mom but she's probably sleeping right now." DeShaun answered, then gave the nurse the number.

"Ok, we'll just leave her a message on the answering machine." The nurse smiled sweetly and then went back to work.

The four friends looked at each other briefly and then went to the waiting room.

"I can't believe he got shot!" Aurora yelled, running her hands down her face.

"Yo, Aurora, I pretty sure he'll be alright. I mean it's Marshall we're talking about." Mike said, trying to soothe his distressed friend.

"But I was the one who was supposed to get shot... not him. He took the bullets for me!"

"It's 'cause M really cares about you. He doesn't want to see you hurt." DeShaun looked over at her. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm finna take a nap." he said, trying to get as comfortable as he could in the chair.

The other three decided to take a nap as well, as they waited to go see Marshall.

A/N: i bet you guys didn't expect that, huh? PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!
i'm back!

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