Chapter 6: The Warning

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The next morning, Marshall's arms were still wrapped around Aurora. Marshall was the first to wake up and he was lazily stroking her hair. The blinds were open and the sunlight was seeping through, so her hair was catching the light at the right angle. Marshall noticed looked at her wrist that one of her sleeves had ridden up. He lifted up her arm and observed her wrist. Scars marred her skin. Many of them. Marshall felt his heart drop to his stomach. He suddenly felt a strong urge to protect the girl he was holding from everything and anything. He slowly put down her arm so he didn't wake her. He kissed her head again, then went back to caressing her hair. Around half an hour later, Aurora started to stir. Her eyes were hard to open because of the tears she had shed. Finally, after a great struggle, she was able to open them.

"Morning." Marshall said when she awoke.
"Morning. We turned in way early yesterday, didnt we?" Aurora yawned.
"Yeah, we did. Haven't slept that early in a long ass time. Aye, you want breakfast?"
"Yeah, I could use some food."

They made their way to the living room, and Debbie and Nathan were already awake.

"Hey ma." Marshall greeted his mom.
"Good morning." Aurora said.
"Morning Marshall, morning Aurora.
You guys get a good night's rest?" Debbie asked.
"Yeah, we fell asleep really early." Marshall said, taking Nate from his mom's arms.
"Help yourselves to breakfast." Debbie then disappeared to her room.

"Marshie!" the toddler said excitedly.
"Hey buddy. This is my friend, Aurora. Can you say her name? Au-ro-ra."
"Wo-wa?" Nathan attempted.
"Yeah!" Marshall held his hand up for Nathan to give him a high five, which he happily gave.
"He's so adorable." Aurora commented.
"You wanna hold him?" Marshall asked.
"Can I?" Marshall nodded and Aurora held her arms out for Nate to come into them.
As soon as he got into her arms, Nathan went straight for her hair. He grabbed it at first, then proceeded to put it in his mouth.
"Sorry buddy, but my hair isn't for eating." Aurora said, slowing retracting her hair from his mouth.
Nathan giggled at her.
"Aye, let's go eat breakfast." Marshall said.

Breakfast consisted of Cap'n Crunch, which was Marshall's favorite cereal, and bananas. Marshall had made plans with Kim, and since Aurora was there he decided to invite her and Proof along. When it was time to leave, Nathan wouldn't let Aurora put him down.
"Wo-wa! No go!" He pleaded, stomping his foot on the ground.
"I'm leaving too and I don't see you begging me not to!" Marshall said, mock hurt. "Fine, Nate. I see how it is." he scoffed.
Aurora promised Nate that she would come over again in the future. Many promises later, Nathan finally let Aurora go, a little upset. Debbie picked Nathan up and bid the kids goodbye.

Deshaun, Aurora, Kim, and Marshall were all at a White Castle on 7 mile. They had all ordered, and were just sitting and socializing.
"So you're saying you're graduating early?" Proof asked Aurora.
"Yeah. I am because I want to go to a dance college and college is pretty expensive so I need a job." Aurora replied.
They all looked at her like she was out if her mind.
"Damn girl." Deshaun said.
"Man, I don't know if I can make it through even another second of school." Marshall was saying.
"Why?" Aurora asked. Marshall sighed.
"This is my third fucking time taking 9th grade. I have faggot ass teachers who always tell me I 'won't get anywhere in life' and always shake they fucking heads whenever they see me like I'm some big disappointment. I also hate science and math with a fucking passion. When the fuck in life would I need to find the volume of a sphere? Like one day I'm gonna be playing ball and be like 'hm, I need to find the volume of this to sphere so first let me measure the radius-' Man fuck that! I'm dropping out when the year's over. Fuck school. I need to focus on getting a job and rap."
"Yeah, those two are say more important than school." Aurora agreed.

"Hey, Aurora, can I talk to you for a second?" Kim asked her out of nowhere. Aurora was surprised because Kim hadn't really made an effort to talk to her before.

"Yeah, sure." Aurora replied. Kim led her to the girls' bathroom. They got weird looks because there was only one toilet in there.

Kim closed the door behind them.
"I don't want you speaking to Marshall." she said. Aurora was startled.
"And why is that?"
"I'm Marshall's girlfriend. We'll be together for a long time. We'll marry each other one day. Hell, I may even give birth to his children. But know this: no one will come in between us. Not his mother, not Deshaun, and certainly not you. I'm warning you, stay away."
"Ok your Marshall's girlfriend, I get that. But, Marshall and I and just friends. That's it. Friends talk to eachother. And I won't let you tell me not to talk to one of the only friends that I have. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you so, I suggest that we try to be friendly towards one another.."
"What part of stay away don't you understand? How much clearer do I have to make myself? And what makes you think that I'd want to be friends with you?"
Look, I really don't know why you're so paranoid. Haven't you noticed? Marshall's crazy about you. He might even be in love you."
Every trace of anger vanished from Kim's face, was replaced with a blush.
"You really think so?"
"Yeah. You don't have to be so paranoid."
"Sorry for saying those things about you. I still don't really like you, but I'm willing to tolerate you for Marshall's sake."
"But you haven't even gotten to know me?"
"And I don't plan on it. But, for Marshall's sake, truce?"
Kim held out her hand.
"Truce." Aurora shook it.
'I really don't like this girl.' was Aurora's last thought when they left the bathroom.

Marshall was puzzled as to why Kim needed to speak with Aurora, but he shrugged it off. He wanted to tell Deshaun about the discovery he had made that morning.
"Hey Proof, I gotta tell you something."
"What is it?"
"It's about Aurora. So you know how she slept over? Well this morning, I woke up before her and one of her sleeves had ridden up. I saw some things on her wrists and I looked closer. They're scars. A whole fucking lot of them. Most were old but some were fresh. She cuts herself, dawg. She cuts her wrists."
"Fo' real? Wait... now that I think about it, she always wears long sleeves. I know it's cold as shot in Detroit, but damn... and also she never did tell us what her home life is like."
"Well she told me yesterday. And it's fucked up man. It's the reason why she slept over yesterday man. I'd tell you, but it's not my story to tell. She'll tell you soon man."
Their conversation was cut short because the cashier called out "Order #32."

Marshall stood up to go get it. By the time he was back, Aurora and Kim had returned. He was still curious about what they talked about. He set their put on the table and wrapped an arm around Kim.
"So what did you girls talk about?" he asked, trying to play it off as nonchalantly.
"You know, girly things. Things that aren't suitable for boys." Kim responded. Marshall held his hands up and rolled his eyes, then dug into his food. Everyone else followed. In the next ten minutes, everyone was finished eating.
"Hey, Aurora, Marshall told me a bit about what happened yesterday. You a'ight?" Deshaun asked, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My mom's just... irritable. I don't know if I can go back there just yet." Aurora said, looking over at Marshall, pleading with her eyes to let her stay over again.
"No one's forcing you to go back." Marshall said.
"Yeah, thanks." Aurora smiled at Marshall. Kim was glaring daggers at her as if saying 'back off'. Aurora just ignored her. Deshaun noticed this and his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed.

sorry for the delay guys! this chapter was supposed to be published yesterday, but when i was halfway done with the chapter wattpad deleted it so i had to type it back up again. but thank god i hadn't finished the whole thing! (whew!) please tell me anything that's on your mind about this story, i'm very open to constructive criticism!

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