Chapter 19- Revival

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Jessica POV

I couldn't believe it. Samantha, my best friend was gone. I cried. Jacob held her close. I looked at him. "Did you-" I began to ask. He nodded knowing of what I was going to say. "Are you ok with me and Marco?" I asked. "Not the time. But if you're happy, I'm happy" he said with a forlorn look across his features. I hugged him. "Put her down" Ginger said. "Ginger-" Jacob began to say. "Jacob, trust me" Ginger said.

"Oh how sad" Queen Helena said. "Let me get a tissue" I glared at her. "You killed her!" I said angrily to the queen. Ginger pushed me aside and began to chant something. The queen took out a knife. Ginger blocked the attack, continuing to chant. I heard emergency vehicles in the distance. People huddled in their homes. I saw Bree and Emily killing demons as if they were experts. Oh right. I flung the shield at them. Jacob sat in the middle of it all crying over Samantha.

Then Ginger's bright yellow aura reappeared. It was so bright it was almost blinding. The demons vanished in a puff of red smoke. The light dimmed on Ginger and a blue aura glowed on Samantha. "What's going on" I asked. Jacob set her on the ground and ran to my side. Marco held me close. I huddled into his chest, fearing of what would happen. A scream echoed. The scream sent a mighty force, blowing everyone back. The queen laid on the ground unmoving and so did Ginger. Ginger laid a hand over Samantha's heart. We ran to them. Ginger was so pale. Her bright demeanor was gone. Ginger faded in and out. "Goodbye" was the last thing the sorceress said. Ginger faded away. It went quiet. Jacob grabbed her again. We heard a moan. Samantha's chest moved up and down. She took a deep shaky breath. "What?" Samantha asked. Bree gasped. So did I. Jacob kissed her. We gasped again. Marco wrapped his arms around me. Unfortunately this happy moment didn't last long. 

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