Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to To My AMAZING READERS! <3




“So is there anything that Directioner’s should expect before or during the movie?”  Melissa questioned.

The boy’s heads all turned until they all were looking at me. Melissa raised an eyebrow suspiciously at me. Well tanks boys for making me come up with something at the top of my head.

“Well we have a big announcement but that’s all I can really say right now.”  I said lightly hoping she wouldn’t go into it further. She nodded her head and actually left it be unlike other interview we’ve been in.

“Well guys our time with One Direction had come to an end. I am sure everyone had a blast with them here and we can’t wait to watch the new 3D movie called ‘This Is Us’ coming out this Thursday.” Melissa looked towards the camera for her farewells then it turned to us boys. We gave a smile and a wave and watched as the producer behind the camera counted down to let us know when we were off air.

“Come on boys you all are done for the day.” Paul said coming up to us. All of us sighed. An early morning interview and then two more after that it was needless to say we were all pooped. We all stood up and got went back to our dressing room to grab our stuff. I grabbed my phone and checked to see I had one new message from Courtney from about an hour ago.

‘Ni, I’m under attack. The girlfriends have figured out Louis’ plan for planning our wedding. HELP ME! Xx’

I groaned really loud just at the sight of this. The boys all heard and asked me what was wrong. I showed them my message and watched as they all turned to Louis. He smiled sheepishly at us.

“How bad could four girls be?” He asked us. Dear Louis, if I could I would smack you upside the head.

“Louis do you not get it? We are their boyfriends and they learn a lot of their torture plays from us?” Liam asked him. My eyes widened as I realized it was Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Liam’s girlfriend’s we were talking about.

“Oh shit.” I muttered as I hauled everyone’s asses out of the studio. Paul gave me a funny looked but I was completely worried about my girl. Who knows what they come up with, especially Eleanor she’s the exact same as Louis and well he can come up with some awesome torture devices. 

Since Harry got everyone this morning he drove us to my house.  He parked out front of my house and I looked to see four different car’s in front of my house. All the lights were off and that kind of scared me. What can these girl’s possible be doing to Courtney? We all got out of the car and headed up the path to the door.

“Well who is going in first?” Zayn asked. Again, the boy’s heads turned to me. Really?

“Yes really, it’s your house and your fiancée we are talking about so get your butt in there now.” Shit did I say that out loud? The boys all shook their heads and gave me a look. Liam gave me a push into the door. I opened it and peered into the pitch black house. My head turned to the boys. 

“Girls?” I called throughout the house, no answer. God what are they doing?

As I passed through each room I flipped on the lights. Us boys spread out checking out all the rooms. I went to my room because I had a feeling they would be there since none of the others called out that they found them. When I stepped in front of the bedroom door I listened for a moment.

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