¢нαρтєя 24

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¢σρуяιgнт © 2015 Margareth Valley
All Rights Reserved

¢нαρтєя 24

Calvin abruptly runs in, Avan's fingertips barely grazing his elbow.

"Wait-..." Avan begins, however I slapped my hand atop of his mouth. Indicating that we'd be caught if he continued.

Calvin crazily shouts something unclear to me. His hands waving angrily, Ethan narrows his eyes visibly, while he gestures to Calvin's form, causing wolves to circle around him.

"Your brother is kind of crazy." I whispered to Avan.

Avan shrugs, tugging himself up. I stare, gaping at him. "Are you going to go in? You're completely outnumbered." I asked, shocked.

He raises an eyebrow, replying "He's my brother."

"But it isn't safe." I snapped back, quoting what Dennis said.

He smirked, which is a rare case, "Don't worry, I'm kind of not human." He says, charging in following his brothers footsteps.

Crazy son of a b-...

And with that, I followed.


Tyson sits down, thinking for a moment.

Something felt awfully wrong.

The gut wrenching feeling accumulated in the depth of his heart. His mother and his two other younger siblings disappeared, what they were up to was oblivious to Tyson.

Tyson sighs stressed to the fullest, the death of his father was arriving quite faster than he'd imagine.

Three years ago Michael Costarelli died.

Three years ago Peter Merster killed him.

Tyson glances to the dusty frame hung to the side of his bed, a man in his mid thirties smiling, his family surrounding him. A happy Tyson grinning, a not so tense Avan laughing, Calvin's half blinking face, Giselle's baby bump showing, and Dennis' wide eyes stares innocently to the camera.

This was before his family knew what the depths of oblivion felt like. This was before his father died, taking all the happiness and joy with him. This was before his mate died.

This was before all that shit happened.

Here's a lesson to those young folks, good things almost never last.

And thus Tyson stands, fire burning passion coursing through his veins.

He won't let depression befall the Costarelli family once more.

Not now.

Not ever.


Adeline gasps as Cole's form writhing form as Ethan's wolves kick him. She also watches an unknown not get hold down against the bark of a tree, him shouting curses at the two broad men. Her confused mind going bonkers.

She blinks away the tears, Cole didn't need her crying, he needed her to save him. "Stop it! You're hurting him!" Addie yells, frustrated.

Ethan unfazed shrugs, "I don't care if he dies, he betrayed me. He betrayed my family, the pack, and disgraced my home land."

"I didn't-..." Cole struggles to say, however a kick to the face silences him.

Adeline's mind replays wondrous scenes as Cole and her fell in deep love, and torn as she did care about Ethan as well.

"Let my brother go." A booming voice says.

Adeline breaks her train of thoughts staring at the man who she dated once, and who was madly in love with her older sister. Addie could see it a mile away, the short but longing glances in Leah's direction, the defending, the compliments.

Adeline knew she didn't deserve Avan, neither did she to Cole.

She was an abomination, just like her parents said she was.


Aiden rings up Leah's cellphone, her answering machine answering multiple times.

"Hello! You've reached, well, me! I'm not here at the moment, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you in no time." Her joyous laughter following behind.

The woman he fell in love with.

Aiden felt like crap, thinking the way he treated her. But his actions spoke louder than words, he didn't want the love of his life to get involved in those monsters.

But she was already way in too deep.

By now Aiden's father disappeared once more, no surprise there, after his mother was killed by those monsters Peter would often disappear without a trace.

Coming back drunk near midnight.

Aiden looks one last time at the shiny engagement ring, his father prompted him to marry her with. Beautiful without a doubt, but Leah deserved more than an object.

She deserved the truth.

Aiden couldn't give her that.


I hid behind Avan's tall form, staring reassuringly at my little sister. She gasps, seeing me.

"Leah, run!" She cries.

Ethan glares at her, annoyed. Ethan was a smart man, he came in numbers, practically a whole pack supporting him. Most bared their teeth at us, in their not-so-human bodies. Only four remained in their humanoid bodies.

Them being the ones bruising Calvin and Cole. Avan shields me away, as one hostile wolf attacks in our direction.

Avan snarls angrily, "get out of my territory, Morino."

Ethan grumbles lowly, "Avan, I'll leave along with my family. But you see, I'll be taking Addie here, with me."

Avan stares intently at Adeline, before glancing back at his trapped brother and Beta.


* * * * *
Omg, Avan is such an a-hole. Just kidding :D, but anyway hope you enjoy.

Sorry if there are mistakes, this is all typed on the phone, with no editor. :(

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