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Hello. I'm Harry. A guy who's only dream in this world is to get to second base before he goes to university.

But before Uni comes the adult/child world that is known to us as 'Sixth Form'. I was studying at Hall Cross Academy, a school which spends their money on fancy chairs and stupid thumb scanners as oppose to capable staff and useful facilities.

It wasn't all shit though. Well, not yet anyway.

I had at least 4 friends, only 2 enemies, and a mere 14.2% of my family wanted me on the streets.

Unfortunately, I'd gotten myself tangled up with a girl named Sofia and her 1 year old daughter, which was taking it's toll on my emotions.

Tim is my best mate, and what comes along with that is the obligation to look out for each other when we're about to head into certain doom.

It's like when you're walking through a field at night. If you walk alone, the chances of you stepping in dog shit are pretty high. However, with someone beside you, you've got another pair of eyes to help, another perspective if you like.

This translates over to life in general. Before taking any steps or heading in any direction, you need someone there to spot you, someone there to stop you covering yourself in shite. This is exactly what Tim was doing when his suspicions about Sofia's story surfaced.

For some mad reason, Tim had come to the conclusion that Sofia having a child was bullshit, and when he rang me to make this accusation, I was just a little bit angry.

Ok no, I was furious, but I had to check out what he was telling me to put my mind at rest.

Tim had taken it upon himself to check Sofia's social media sites. What he'd apparently found is pictures of Sofia with a teddy bear, with the exact same name and birthday as Sofia's daughter. I'd never been given the chance to meet her, no fuck that, I'd never even seen a picture of her!

When I checked it all for myself, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was right. What the fuck?! What was happening? I had to do something, but for now I needed to curl up in a ball and wish the world would explode.

The next day, the tables had definitely turned, as it was now me being completely blunt and off the page with Sofia, although I actually had a logical reason as to why as oppose to that wench.

If I'm completely honest with you, I'm a bit of a psychopath. It wasn't long before I'd lobbed my new phone at another stupid bitch who was getting on my tits. After that episode, it was just a case of me ranting about it to everyone else and actually "scaring" some people with how worked up I was getting.

Sofia's last exam was the following day, and it was make or break for her just like it had been for Jack a few weeks earlier. She needed absolute concentration and full focus if she was to pass, and so when I came barging through her classroom door demanding to speak to her, the plan went completely tits up.

I wasn't gonna beat around the bush any more. I was sick of being in the dark about everything she said and did with anyone else. I was sick of skipping over the things that might drive her away from me. I was done, and I wanted some motherfucking answers.

I confronted her about the whole thing, but all I got was "it's not like that" "shut the fuck up" and "we'll talk later".

I had to go the rest of the day rather distracted to say of the least. Everyone wanted me to embellish on what I'd told them earlier. I have never been able to keep anything to myself, and I was quickly regretting letting anyone know anything about me and her, thanks to everyone taking it in turns to whip out there nosey sticks and give the situation a good stir.

Harry Bath - A Walking & Talking Disaster (Chapters 1-19)Where stories live. Discover now