He grinned playfully. "I won."

"Won what?" I asked.

"The game we were playing."

"What game were we playing?"

"Who can come up with the best comeback game. A games of wits."

"That's a crap game." I laughed lightly.

"Yeah..." He sighed. "Shame you suck so much at it. What else do you suck at?"

I felt heat rushing to my face but was determined not to show it so instead I smirked and narrowed my eyes. "How mature. Is this a game as well?"

"Maybe ."

I pushed him away lightly. The first task started in half an hour and everyone was already making their way to the huge stadium situated behind the Durmstrang castle so we were practically alone.

"So you decided to stop ignoring me?" I asked him crossing my arms and looking directly into his sharp grey eyes.

"I never was ignoring you. I just had other things on my mind," he responded.

"Hmmm," was all I said.

"You don't believe me?"

"Why would anyone believe what you say?" I retorted.

"Fair enough."

Our banter was interrupted by a high pitched shriek and suddenly Lexi was beside Scorpius clinging to his arm. I eyed her arm with disgust.

"Babyy? You coming up...we're gonna loose our seats," she whined. Ouchh.

It looked as if he had to force his next smile as he turned to her. "What did we say last night babe? No 'baby'."

She let go of his arm. "Oh right yeah." Then she turned to me as if only just realising I was there. "Hi Lily," she said falsely polite. "Your rooms next door to Scorpius' room, right?" I nodded in agreement. "Well I'm soo sorry for the racket we made last night. This boy is just so wild! I mean, he made me feel things that I would have never have thought you could feel!" she patted his arm and smirked evilly.

"Well, I'm gonna head on up. I'll save you a seat." She said to Scorpius before turning on her heel and flouncing off. I felt kind of sick in my stomach.

I glanced up at Scorpius catching his eye again.

He didn't break eye contact but didn't say anything either. I swallowed nervously and gave him a tight lipped smile. "Well that was awkward..."

He just seemed to be staring at me trying to decipher my emotions.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I better get going." He started to turn.

"So you slept with her last night?"

He turned, one eyebrow raised. "Is someone jealous?"

"What? No...pfftt...no. Why would I be jealous?"I scrambled words around my brain to come up with a suitable excuse. Nothing came.

"Good. Because I'm a single pringle and I can have sex with anyone I want and you're in a relationship so you wouldn't care right?"

He was right of course. I had no right to be angry or jealous. But I was. So instead I changed the subject and laughed. "Single pringle? That's so old Scorpius."

He eyed me "you're so immature."

"OHH! That's rich, coming from you?" I was glad we were back to our witty comebacks, even though deep down I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach.

I think I'm in love with a Malfoy.Where stories live. Discover now