"We were all just headed up to Tylers room to catch up. Care to join?" She offered, grabbing both of the boys hands and pulling them towards the elevator with no say. The boys shrugged it off as the clambered into the Elevator with the familiar faces of Joe and Alfie.

After a small reunion in the elevator, they were all then reunited with the faces of all their youtuber friends. All of them glad to see each other once again. They quickly got each other up to date with their recent lives, all of them talking about family, friends, and even relationship status.

"Speaking of relationships" Tyler smirked, looking over to Troye and Connor. "I'm interviewing you two tomorrow on the main stage." He raised his eyebrows, suggestively wiggling them. "I say we do something to make all those tronnor shippers at home freak out, what do you say?"

"Like what?" Connor laughed. "Do you want us to kiss or something?" He questioned, jokingly. Yet, Tyler being, well, Tyler, didn't take it as a joke.

"well, yeah!" He smiled. "I mean, Troye has been in movies and in musicals. I'm sure he nows how to stage kiss and all"

Connors heart began to beat rapidly. Tyler wants him and Troye to stage kiss? In front of thousands of people. Even though it would be fake, Connor couldn't help but feel nervous.

"it would just be a stage kiss" Tyler further explain. "Troye could use his thumb as a barrier between your lips. It would look real, but it would be 100% fake."

After a little more convincing and a demonstration from Tyler and Marcus, both boys had finally agreed on the stage kiss - along with the question from Tyler that would put the plan into action.


After an entire day filled with nerves, sweats, and rapid heartbeats, it was time for the live Q and A session with Tyler. Troye seemed so chill about it, leaving Connor to wonder if he was over reacting over this stage kiss.

Once the announcer introduced Troye, Connor, and Tyler, the crowd erupted into cheers. Connors mild stage fright mixed with the fear of kissing Troye made everything seem a hundred time louder.

"Helllllo" Tyler called out into the microphone after they had sat down. "This crowd has no chill" he cackled. "Anyways, I'm here with Troye Sivan and Connor Franta for a live Q and A! we gather some questions from the people at home, and there will be a chance for some of you to ask them questions as well. Let's get started!"

Many of the questions were basic and simple. Everybody in the audience was respectful enough to ask questions that didn't involve the relationship between the boys. After a couple of minutes of answering questions, Connor seemed to calm down a bit. He was really warming up to the crowd, and the idea of kissing Troye made him sit in anticipation.

"Alright, we have one more question for tronnor" Tyler announced. This was it, Connor and Troye were about to kill all of their fans with a stage kiss. "Can you guys give us a gif worthy moment?"

"I think we can manage to do that, yeah." Troye smirked, sending shivers down Connor's spine. Troye handed Tyler his microphone and advanced towards Connor. The crowd began to cheer as they became closer to each other.

Nerves filled Connors stomach again as Troye whispered a "you ready?" to him. Connor slightly nodded, blushing as he looked to the crowd. Most, if not, all of them had their phones out. Ready to capture this moment on film.

The original plan was for Troye to grasp Connor's face, allowing him to put up the finger barrier between the two sets of lips.

But he didn't.

Instead, he lopped his hands around Connor's neck, pulling him closer and leaning his forehead on Connor's.

Tyler snuck up and took Connor's microphone from him, giving him access to both his hands.

"I've been wanting to do this for so long" Troye whispered quietly, Connor barely being able to hear as the fans cheers became louder and louder. Slowly, but surely, Troye connected his lips with Connor's. Kissing him ever so delicately.

They didn't know it was possible, but the fans screamed even louder at the sight. Connor snaked his arms around Troye waist as they continued to kiss. It wasn't too long of a kiss, but it was just enough.

Tyler said goodbye to the crowd as the boys made their way backstage, ignoring all the voices of their friends asking them questions about the kiss. Connor grabbed Troyes wrist, pulling him off to the back hallway where they could be alone.

"Listen, Connah. I'm sor-" Troye began to apologize for the change of plans, but couldn't finish as Connor's lips met his again.

"Don't apologize, Troye. I've been wanting to do this for so long"


Hey friends!

I've been wanting to write another book for so long, but all my ideas weren't long enough to put in a full sized fic, ya know? So now I'm just gonna write one shots.

If you have any prompts, feel free to PM me :)

Love you lovies xx


tronnor one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora