Chapter 17: You'd be surprised

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Despite the busy time of day and seagulls crying up above him the harbor brought a sense of calm to Lucius' mind. Burly fishermen's laughter and buzzing voices from the market behind him didn't stand a chance as a salty breeze swept through his hair and the delightful sound of creaking boats and small waves splashing against the wharf.

While not necessarily having business at the harbor most of the time Lucius still liked to come there and breathe some peace into his damned soul. Memories of his younger self wishing to travel one day came back to him, and of course he'd considered the possibility. But by now he couldn't just up and leave, could he? He'd found a place in South Kerilia, and while a future international empire certainly wasn't off the table in his eyes it'd have to wait. He'd just have to take it one town at a time and South Kerilia was hardly his at the moment, but it'd change soon enough. He was certain.

"So are you planning on just standing around and look pretty?" Lorenzo jabbed his shoulder, and Lucius waggled his eyebrows.

"You can't deny I'm killing it."

"Well, sure." Lorenzo didn't look very amused, and he sighed before continuing. "Anyway I'm done with that Miller fellow... So you know."

"Did you get the message across?"

"Across his face... His legs... The usual treatment." Lorenzo finally let go of his concerned frown as Lucius chuckled, and he smiled back. "You sure you still don't want in on the fun?"

Lucius wrinkled his nose.

"I don't pack the same punch as you do."

"Still, I think our image would be even better if the Reapers' leader would crush an arm or two as well... Maybe you should've kept Apocalypse around after all."

The corner of Lucius' mouth twitched at the mention. Poor Apocalypse. Not only had he suffered through Ravi's abusive treatment but even Lucius had played a part in the misery that'd been his life.

"He's better off where he is now. Besides, who needs a dog when I have all of you?"

"Yeah, so... About us..." Lorenzo grimaced, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "The, uh... Others are pretty mad about the new situation." He gestured over to the large ship further away, and Lucius followed his gaze. "A whole lot of talk about you selling out."

Lucius' lip curled. He'd expected as much, but that didn't mean it didn't bother him when the others confirmed it.

"It's just for a bit." He shrugged, pulling his cape closer to his body. Despite the delightful breeze being appreciated the weather had taken a chilly turn and Lucius weighed the option to buy a new winter wardrobe. "As soon as they've unloaded all the cargo you'll all get to leave the ship."

"To guard the storage instead."

"And it's just one door." Lucius rubbed the bridge of his nose and shot Lorenzo a disapproving glare. "You'll take shifts in pairs."

"Lucius, I really think—"

"Well, you don't have to." Lucius began walking towards the ship. "I'm in charge of the thinking, aren't I?"

"Right, but I think you'd do well in not upsetting them further. For now at least."

"And what are they gonna do? Refuse my orders?"

"Well, you know what happened to Ravi—"

"Ravi was killed by his rabid dog. Not by his gang." Lucius interrupted, still going along with his rather transparent lie. Most of the members knew there'd been more to it than that. "And I'm not Ravi. I'm better than he could've ever hoped to be."

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