Operation, Infiltrate Alvarez

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"YEAH!!" Natsu cried out.

"And any other plans then that?" Shikamaru asked. "What's your strategy for meeting up if you're separated? How do you plan to take on unforeseen contingencies? Do you have any back up plans at all? And foremost, how do you intend to actually GET there?"

"Shikamaru's a stickler for stuff like that.." Naruto muttered to Mikoto.

"Hey! is that Kageyama from Eisenwald!?" said Natsu. "Hey Kage!"

"Ka-who?" said Shikamaru. "Anyways, my point is.. if what I've learned about Fairy Tail from the few weeks you stayed in the village is right, with exception of a few more level headed members, you all have a tendency to just try and bash your way through with brute force!"

"Yeah.. we do.." said Gajeel. "But that's what makes things fun."

"You're right Shikamaru." said Mikoto. "That's why this time, we're not going in half cocked. Not only do I have a plan, we also have our own little secret weapon for dealing with Alvarez's more troublesome forces."

"Secret weapon?" said Shikamaru.

"Yeah.. I'll surprise you when we get there.." said Mikoto. "In the meantime, Mom's out around the universe looking for the other scattered Numensapiens who've been injured by Diablo, so we won't be able to count on her for help.. same with my dragon mother.. she's taking care of my kids, and no way am I letting Miyoko or Mir get near this battle.."

Mikoto glared sternly into her group of guild members. "And that goes for future versions of them as well!"

Miyoko and Mir peeked out of the crowd and moaned. "But mama!!"

"NO!" Mikoto growled.

"We're members of Fairy Tail too!" Miyoko roared, hopping up and down angrily. "You can't stop us!! Even Index is going and she can't fight nearly as well as us!!"

The little nun, who was standing next to Stiyl at the moment, looked at the guild mark on her wrist. "Hmm.. looks stylish.."

"She has experience." said Mikoto. "You two don't. Little Lucy isn't going either, and I need somebody to look after her.. "

"Papa!!" Both Mir and Miyoko stared at Touma pleadingly.

"Sorry kids, I'm with your mother on this one." said Touma.

"Grrrr.." Miyoko clenched her fists. "Well, you can't make us say home.. we'll sneak out! We're Dragon Slayers!!"

"And I hired the ultimate baby sitter." said Mikoto "Shikamaru?"

"Wait.. Why me!?" Shikamaru stammered.

"You know the Shadow Possession jutsu right?" Mikoto said.

"Uhhh.. yeah..?"

Mikoto grabbed Shikamaru by the collar of his flack jacket, her eyes growing wide. "If they try to escape at all.. HOLD ON TO THEM WITH YOUR SHADOW LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!"

Shikamaru gulped. "Riiiiiight.." (man mothers are scary.)

"Alright." said Mikoto letting go of Shikamaru. "You can stay at my house for now.. I have instructions on the fridge.

As Shikamaru left the guild hall with the two grumpy sisters in tow, Naruto grinned at Mikoto slyly. "You were going to make him do it all along?"

"He's smart.. really smart." said Mikoto. "And those are the kids who spent plenty of time under the influence of future Natsu.... I think I'd rather not take the chance.."

"So.. back to Shikamaru's previous question." said Sasuke. "How exactly to do you plan on getting to Alvarez?"

"That.. is an easy one." said Mikoto. "Sorry Natsu.. you're about to get really motion sick.."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Diablo Saga: Book 4, Clash of LordsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang