Chapter Seventeen; End

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end: a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story

I assume I had passed out anyways, but thankfully I awoke in a stretcher in the middle of an intersection with around 30 other people.

There were ambulances, one that I was about to be boarded on. Cop cars, FBI units, two crashed cars.. But there was one thing that caught my eye.

The laughing face of a girl with a sheet over her body talking to an officer.
That was the smile of my girl, my woman.

It's amazing how a woman whom just came out of hell can be so joyful.

There was a stretcher that had a covered body, I assumed to be the man I had just murdered.

But besides that, Caleb Olsen was being wheeled into an ambulance, Jade following.

Caleb D was also being treated in an ambulance for his shot shoulder, & his broken ankle.

Buket and Gaby were talking to officers that I suppose had a lot of funny things to say, I guess I wouldn't get them. They're law enforcement & I'm just a doctor, we work hand in hand but we aren't the same.
The one thing we do have in common is that we save lives, that's pretty cool.
Being a hero is pretty damn cool indeed.

I felt weak but there was a flame in me that was finally stable rather than having to constantly be burning as a wild fire for all these years.
I felt peace finally.

The FBI gave a gigantic raise, medals, & promotions to Buket & Caleb D instead of naming them traitors, but they turned it down because Gaby taught them better. So they lived happily in a town home in San Fransisco, with their little babies. Besides the two that you already know about, they had two more. Twins.
They got married, & that's where I proposed to Gaby.

I suppose I'm the romantic type.

Jade & Caleb O got married as well, Jade never believed in marriage lasting forever.. But I'm 70 years old now & we.. I mean I, get their Christmas card every year still. They didn't have any children.

Gaby & I? Yeah, we got married at my grandfathers farm, big ass field. She always loved fields. Made her feel free.

I assumed my parents would be so pissed that I got her pregnant on our honeymoon, but they were elated. They waited 20 some years for us two to have our own kid, and so did we.

When we were teens she always told me she wanted three kids or more, I always told her no. Two at most.

What a joke.
We had five.
Three boys, two girls.
Always had a dream of a modern home,
I had it at one point but things changed.

We moved to the country, big white farm house. I became a house call doctor, kids loved playing with the animals. Things were good.
Things were worth it.

I always believed the worse pain I ever felt was Gaby being kidnapped by the FBI, but nah. Those years didn't compare to the pain I felt when Gaby fell ill.

Her small hand was wrinkly & veiny, speckled with brown spots. I watched that hand age over the years, not once did I ever take it for granted when I held it.

But that moment when her hand loosened and she stopped holding onto mine, and that I was the one clinging onto hers, that's when I knew my love had gone to bigger places.

I held onto her hand even hours after it had gone cold.

Tears came out of my folded eyelids & fogged up my glasses. I didn't say anything. I've watched a lot of people die on the operating table, I understood that it was her time. But
nothing could ever have prepared me for the realization that I would never get to hear her voice again. Not even these 50 some years with her. Our children, all grown up, surrounded the bed she laid in. I think we all knew that an angel was in that room guiding her to another world, she always got lost.

We had a funeral for her back in Wilmington. We buried her under a weeping willow.
I told everyone not to wear black, Gaby wouldn't have liked that. She would want us to be happy for her. God, I was so happy for her but I still wanted her by my side.

We all wore yellow.
The color of sunflowers & the sun,
The color of her hair.
I stood there in my yellow trousers with a red rose sticking out of my pocket.

Everyone showed up.

Fatima, Jade, Buket, both Caleb's, Martha, Alayna, Megan, Dylan (whom had lived through the cancer), Jackie, Rachel, Tim, everyone she ever knew. Everyone in the FBI she was associated with so many years before even if she was banned from the system, the children, our friends children. The rest of her family that still lived on, my family, our family. Everyone we knew in high school that we haven't even talked to in years..

We were all there for Gaby's funeral. Even the ones who once hated her.

If only she could've seen how much we loved her.

The service started, and we all cried, but in the middle of it a cardinal landed on top of the speaker's head and we all laughed.
I think Gaby would've been proud.
Or maybe she was that Cardinal?
I don't know.

All I know is after the service Fatima came up to me after everyone had already hugged me.

"Long time no see." She said bringing me in for a hug.

"Nice to see ya after all this time." I said.

She didn't let me go from the hug.
She got real close to my ear, and she whispered, "Remember the handprint?"

I nodded.

"Good. Because the cops are here & they're here for you, the man that killed all those girls. You tried to kill me, for my hands, that's why I left a grim reminder that night you didn't take them."

With that she let me go and she walked to her car, and cop cars pulled up to the scene, making a circle around me.

At first I was confused, the cops got out of their cars and put up their guns surrounding me.

"You're under arrest for the murder of 43 women that took place in 2034." I heard from a man yelling holding a gun slowly making his way over to me.

No, this had to be a mistake..
I never murdered anyone besides Brooks & his men.

But then it hit me as the first bullet of forty hit my back.

Before I found out Gaby was alive I was working on my own little situation.

That was, I was trying to create Gaby.
By using other women around the same age as her, In their 30's.

I cut them up and took parts of their bodies to recreate how I thought Gaby would look then.
I took the rest of the useless body and threw them into a field, at the time my unit was in Iowa so I could get away from my family.
Didn't you ever wonder how I knew my way around the roads?

I don't remember where I put my contraption, I abandoned it after I heard the word.
I suppose they had found it after all these years.

Hah, I can't believe I never realized I was the serial killer.

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