Chapter Eleven; Apology

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apology: a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure

I managed to sneak behind trees in order to get to the palace, once I got to the actual house I was hiding behind a large tree. The main door was surrounded by large men that were carrying machine guns.
A little extreme for just body guards if you ask me, but I'm up for a challenge.

"Oh fuck." I whisper while looking at them.
I'm up for a challenge, yes, but how am I gonna do this? I don't wanna be complete toast.

I look down at my feet. Maybe there's a way to distract them?

Just then I see a bunny.
It's a baby bunny, not a rabbit.
I got an idea.

I prayed to God that Gaby wouldn't get mad at me for doing this, I know she has a large soft spot for all animals. I used to tell her all the time that I could never kill an animal but I guess that needed to be done.

I took out the knife from my pocket and put it behind my back.

Bunnies are skittish but I got to my knee and made a clicking noise holding out my hand.

Sure enough, the bunny hopped over to me hesitantly.

Slowly, slowly..
She sniffed my hand,
And that was my go.

I'm still so sorry, Gaby.

I pulled out the knife behind my back and stabbed the little creature in the side while holding it by the neck.

The crimson blood was dripping from my hands, & I normally wouldn't get so emotional over something like this. I love meat.

But the bunny reminded me of Gaby, small.. Soft.. Not really innocent, but she was closer to a baby than an actual adult.

I beheaded the bunny & threw the head in front of the guards.

Sure enough, they were confused & decided to walk towards the direction it was thrown.

I moved over to the tree on the right, and when they were standing looking behind the tree I moved over to the one behind them.

I had my knife in one hand, & in the other the bunnies claw. It wasn't much but it was enough to stall.

I came up behind the two of them, and I stabbed one in the back and stabbed the other in a pressure point behind the neck.

I loved medical school.

I quickly rushed to the door & got inside.

It opened up to a large staircase with one big sculpture of a woman in the middle.

The woman was nude & was posing rather shyly, as if she's trying to hide herself.

Brooks was a rapist & a kidnapper, didn't surprise me.

I ran up the stairs & I looked down the hallway.

A maid was looking straight at meanwhile coming out of a room.

She didn't say a word.

"Where's Gaby?" I ask.

"dormitorio de la planta superior." The woman said looking down then rolling her cart away.

Easier than expected,
Those Spanish classes paid off.

I found the next stair case and kept heading up.
Soon enough I was on the top floor & I walked straight down the hallway to the only door at the end.

Knife ready in my hand, blood dripping from my hands, both of a rabbit & man.
I was ready for any shit I had to go against.

I'm surprised there was no security cameras (that could be seen at least).

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