Chapter Three; Fields

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Field: An area of open land

All of us had told our families, well the ones that did have family that cared, that we were going to travel to the mid west the next morning. To be clear of the location; Iowa.

Caleb & Buket had left Port City without telling their work force so that they wouldn't intervene. Which was extremely risky, since they would be marked as

another two missing agents & if they were to be found then they'd be classified as traitors.

We all left the next morning on a private plane. Buket flew us since she ended up joining the Air Force at the same time she had joined the FBI. An "over-achiever" Caleb labeled her as, odd enough he teased her like a child & she followed his lead, it was quite cute.

The seating went;

-Buket flying with Caleb in the cockpit

-Rachel & Timothy with Alayna & Martha on the other side

-Megan sat in her own two seats, more like passed out, she was terrified of planes

-Caleb O & I across from Meg

-Sadri sat alone starring out the window the whole time holding his brief case close to his chest, he didn't look up once.

It was oddly quiet, normally when we were younger we were very loud and rebellious. I guess we had grown out of that phase.

It was five in the morning, I must admit.

Megan was asleep the whole trip, Rachel & Tim discussed baby names (Yes, Rachel was pregnant with who would become a very loud baby girl).

Alayna wasn't supposed to smoke on the plane but she did anyways, but I guess

Martha didn't care about the fumes because Martha silently fell asleep on Alayna's shoulder. Alayna looked annoyed but I caught her smile whenever Martha snored.

Caleb & I talked for many hours until he got tired and passed out in my lap.

I got a picture of it and til this day I have it on our--my fridge, but anyways....

I probably should mention Dylan "refused" to go with us, he had developed a deadly type of cancer, and his wife (our old friend, former girlfriend to Sadri) Sarah didn't let him go.

Sadri still looking out the window of blackness, no one on the damn plane could tell what was going through his mind. I don't think any of us wanted to either.

When we got there, It was exactly how Rachel described. Nothing but corn & a strange smell of manure & pig.

Rachel had made plans with her aunt to stay in her mansion in Des Moines, while she was out with her husband for a week in California.

Rachel told us on the way there, Tim driving, about how Rachel took Gaby to the house when they were 13. Gaby was apparently deeply in love with the house, she claimed that it was like Gaby opened a drawer & found her heart in one of the dressers.

The house was in the heart of downtown, the property was elevated so there was a great staircase to lead up to the house. There wasn't much privacy, but the trees that loomed over the house, the road, and the surrounding neighbors, made it comfortable.

In the front was a great deal of flowers and bushes, a mini gazebo with a gravel path connected to the driveway, stairway, gazebo, & of course the house entrance.

It was painted a blood red with white trim, a gigantic porch.

Padded seating with floral patterns, chipped wooden planks.

An outdoor fan, and under the porch Rachel told us of the two dogs who lived there & they'd try and bit your finger off if you got too close. Of course they perished by now, but they were buried under the porch.

It was two stories with an attic, apparently built in the year 1827.

There was a mud room before you walked into the actual house, it was made with oak tree and a glossy finish. The doorbell had a longing ring, and as we opened the rusty lock with the skeleton key there was what appeared to be a very elderly cat perching itself on top of a grand piano in the foyer. She had her large eyes locked onto us all, especially myself.

The grand piano was under the stairway that created an almost 'L' shape, you walk up a six foot high flight of stairs and there was a platform with a curving rail. Above the platform, was a colored glass window that had a heavenly Jesus Christ praying over the house.

The whole house was full of antiques & old pictures, said to be bought from thrift shops & yard sales.

There was not a modern thing in the whole house, even the restrooms had golden claw bathtubs with a large mirror beside it. The appliances hadn't been updated since 1994.

There wasn't much of a backyard, but the upstairs was creaky & covered in Christianity items it almost made you feel like a better person for just looking at it despite your religion.

There was only three bedrooms, so the rooms went like this;

Room One: Alayna, Megan, Martha, Buket, & I

Room Two: Caleb O, Caleb D, & Sadri

Room Three: Rachel & Tim

That night we all went to sleep early.

That night is the night I remember clearer than what I'm doing at this exact moment.

I was sleeping on the floor with an old comforter I had found in a closet,

I heard it.

I heard giggling.

But it was familiar, it sounded like
Rachel's teenage giggling.

It was followed by a cackle I remember that could only be made by Gaby's chords.

I got up slowly.

I crept quietly to the door,

trying not to wake anyone.

I opened the door slightly then all at once and all I saw was small white figures giggling running straight past me in the narrow hallway.

Part of me was terrified since I haven't believed in spirits since I was 15, but the other was comforted because i forgot what it felt like to be in the presence of children.

It appeared to be the small bodies of the two, Rachel & Gaby.

Gaby wearing her old glasses with her old broken backpack, and Rachel with her ridiculously long hair, they dashed down the dark hallway making no foot step noises despite it being a creaky floor. All I heard was giggling and laughter, & for the first time in a very long while I felt at peace.

It felt like a sign. A sign that we're on the right track.

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