Chapter One; Innocence

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Innocence: lack of guile or corruption; purity.


We weren't innocent. Well, at least I wasn't. Neither was Gaby. Or Martha, Alayna, Rachel, Tim, Megan, Buket... Basically all of us. Some people seemed pretty childish, I mean, even Gaby. She acted five sometimes, but she did very much enjoy spending her late nights in perverted ways. Can't blame her. We all did for the most part. Even both Caleb's, whom seemed as innocent as a lamb at first glance.

We were all 14 year old messed up hooligans in our own ways. Whether it be abuse, self-hatred, mental disorders, perverted thoughts, you name it. We were messed up, & that's how we found each other.

We all stuck together like bugs trapped in a spider web, about to be eaten by the tarantula.

Some of us would accept the fate of being a bug in a world of things far bigger, some had no idea of the situation, & the rest wanted to be the biggest of insects.

Gaby, she was a four'eight little girl that laughed at just about everything. One of the littlest of us all, I'm surprised she didn't get trampled on in the hallways, then again our friend Dylan at the time didn't let the tallest of people stop him from trucking along.

But point is, Gaby, she was one of the rest that wished to be the biggest of "insects". She claimed to love her size, but she wanted to be something. She was a fable giant inside of an elf body dressed in pretty little dresses. She wanted people to see who she was for herself, not for her size.

They often underestimated her.

I mean, after all, who would expect a little girl to be the one who pulled the trigger?

Myself, A girl named Martha (who liked to smoke, a lot), & Gaby used to go "adventuring". Every now & then, my best friend Megan, would come along.

I was 13, while Martha & Gaby were 14 when we made the pact.

It was 1AM laying in Gaby's fort of a bed.

We promised if we were to still be with each other when we got out of schooling, then we would go on a trip. A long long long trip.

We all desired to travel. To see the world.

Our little adventures wouldn't be so "little" anymore.

As time went on, Martha went onto a private high school while I & everyone else for the most part went to public school.

Buket however did indeed go to an early college, and Caleb D moved to God knows where.

Martha & I dropped out of high school 11th grade.

Gaby stayed in high-school, along w/ everyone else.

Martha & I left to go on our adventure early, Gaby didn't come along.

We got back a year later & since we got back I haven't heard from Gaby herself.

They were all about to graduate, and at that time Gaby & her boyfriend Sadri had been together for about four years.

It was at Caleb O's house, night before their graduation.

Caleb & I had been talking quite a bit over text message on the trip, & before that, we hung out every weekend. I was more familiar with his house than I was with my own.

Martha was going to go see family, didn't bother seeing the people she once was friends with since the majority disowned her for leaving education. Literally the only ones who understood were Megan, me, Buket, Rachel, Alayna, & Gaby.

Although Buket had already left to Harvard.

I don't know how everyone was okay with me leaving however. But, as the story goes on,

It was Caleb, Dylan, Tim, Megan, Alayna, Rachel, Sadri, Gaby, & I all at his house.

Caleb still looked at me with his big eyes with such love after all that time. No, we weren't a thing. We were never a thing.. Just, Dylan & Caleb were still the bestest of friends. Dylan standing at 4'7 & Caleb looming over all of us at 6'3.

Tim & Rachel were a thing for about a year by then. Tim used to say he didn't wanna date until he was 16, he kept that want but on his 16th birthday he let Rachel know just how he felt.

Alayna had been more interested in females for about three years, after Caleb D moving, she didn't have much interest in boys anymore. Don't ask me why, just I don't blame her. Alayna, Martha, Gaby, & I had liked other girls for a very long time.

Megan was still my best friend, my sister. Nah, we didn't talk as much as I did with Caleb over the trip, but as the mileage grew to a bigger number, so did our bond.

I didn't think it could've gotten stronger actually, I've been her friend since 4th grade. But, life's surprising, don't you agree?

Anyways, Sadri was still a straight A student while managing all advanced classes. If you're questioning what he wanted to be, a doctor. Not a surgeon. He was very specific about that.

Meanwhile, Gaby, was doing quite horrible & drowning in work. Her father died of a seizure a few weeks after her 15th birthday, & as a seizure won't kill anyone alone, he was driving a truck on one of the main roads.

Her mothers cancer came back & she married her long term friend, Steve, who had been in love with Donna since she was 14.

It was okay. Steve was nice to Gaby. Gaby didn't live in fear, Gaby felt alright you could say. Just her work however, wasn't too nice.

But despite that, she took a Law & Order class each year of high-school. That was Gaby's turning point.

Gaby was more determined than ever to fulfill one of her life goals; to become an FBI agent.

Now she knew, you have to meet the grade to become one, but she knew that's not all it takes to be part of them.

I keep getting off track, but as the story goes, we were at his house. Sadri holding Gaby so close, Tim's boney hand on Rachels thigh, both couples sitting on the wrap around couch.

Alayna in the back looking out the pitch black window smoking a cigar, we didn't bother asking what the hell she was looking at, she was Alayna, she probably saw a rainbow when all we saw was black.

I was sitting next to Caleb while Dylan was on the other side of him.

Megan was passed out in the bean bag next to the fire place.

I'd been back for about three days, so it's not like they were still physically showing their excitement of my presence.

We stayed up until 3AM. Meg & Dylan were asleep, Rachel & Tim had left, Alayna drank two bottles of red wine & we ended up finding her on Caleb's bed the next morning.

Sadri & Gaby were getting ready to leave, as they were stepping out the door, Gaby behind Sadri, who was anxious to go back to their home (I assume he had something planned), Gaby stopped in the doorway yelling over to Sadri to go ahead & get in the car.

She turned to me, she pulled my shirt by the bust area. She pulled me close enough to where there was no oxygen between our stomachs.

She put her chin on my right shoulder, I was ready for an embrace she was known to give me, but no. It wasn't an embrace. She kept her grip on my shirt, & she whispered in my ear with a harshly mature version of her childhood voice. The words crept into my mind like a cat getting ready to prance on a mouse. Slowly, but then it sunk its claws into my brain.

"We won't meet again, & I'm telling you, find my footsteps, & when you do, you step into them because your feet are the only ones who can make the same amount of noise as mine. None."

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