Chapter Six; Lust

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Lust: very strong sexual desire.

October 5th, 2034.
Their eyes met for the first time in 15 years.

When everyone was dancing it turned into what was a messy square dance, everyone swapped partners as the dance went on and everyone had each person of the opposite sex at least once.

Sadri's hand had met Gaby's once again, her hand hadn't grown at all. Still the itty bitty teeny hand he was so familiar with.

And when it did, no words were spoken. Everyone around the two continued dancing while the two had stopped in the center of the room starring straight at each other.

Their hands continuing to intertwine, Sadri keeping a tight grip on her's, like a fly trap. Once they have their prey or their target they don't ever let go. They do it without force or any thought of doing so, it's their nature.

Though his head was no where near where they were in that moment, his body was familiar with her's like it was destined.

In her face you could tell she was terrified, her eyes full of love however & amazement. Her lips open a tad & her eyes big looking up at his.

To go into more description of him, his eyes bigger than how her's was. His mouth slightly curved, a devilish grin as if a villain's plan is working.

That moment technically only lasted 15 seconds, but for them I assume it lasted far more many years than they'd spent apart.

I think that explains love in a way.
Kinda like, the days and the months, the time you spend apart doesn't really matter, they don't compare to the time you spend with the other.

You can spend years away from that person but if you can have one minute with that person, those years don't seem like much anymore.

But you always crave more time after that. You crave it, you need it, you take it for granted that minute.

Sadri finally made the first move and took her waist in his hands pulling her closer than ever, he kept one hand on her waist but the other deep in her hair upon her scalp. He clenched it, he stuffed his face in her neck, making sure to smell the sweet scent of her skin.

Gaby, taken by surprise, she stood there still shocked. Slowly as his tightened body became more at ease, she took both her tiny hands and held onto his shirt, burying her face into his chest.

Tears began to fall for the both of them.
I had never seen Sadri cry up until then.

It was as if their tears were in sync, immediately started crying at the same time.

People dancing around them as the two embraced each other's presence.

"You left me." Sadri whispered into her ear, raspy voiced.

She held on tighter, "I'm so sorry."

"I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry"
She kept repeating as they rocked slowly back and forth as the music continued in the background.

I'm still surprised no one noticed a man holding "Brooks'" girl.

I think everyone was either having too much fun or was too drunk to care.

I don't much know what happened after that, like I said, I was drunk.

From what I remember is I hooked up with a chick named Betty Anne in the back, chugged some peach vodka, and I woke up in a barn with a pig on my stomach. Not talking about Betty, that chick was nasty that night.

I was too hung over to get myself up so I passed out in my own vomit.

I think I later on figured out Gaby led Sadri into the house across the street. It was a white house with a green ass yard.

I assume they made up for all that time in one of the bedrooms.

The one thing I can vertify is that Sadri woke up the next morning in a brass bed surrounded by floral wallpaper, pictures of farm stuff, him laying on the right side of the bed. He turned over and for once in over a decade his hands finally found the flesh of the young woman he loved.

But she was sitting up, straight up, posture as great as a ladies of course. She was turned towards the window with the white thin drapes, her long blonde hair going down her back. I assume she was butt naked, but anywho..

He grabbed her and pulled her back to him.
Him holding her tighter as ever, he loved her.

Both of them weren't single though.
He was a married man, she was to be wed.

"Run away with me." He said.

She paused, "I've already ran too far."

"You're a married man, Sadri."

"I am. But she's not the one I love, Gaby."

"Then why would you marry her?"

"You weren't there."

"Secondbest." She responded quietly.

"She's a distraction, Gaby."

"But you married her."

"You're the one going to be married to a man you've known for a few weeks."

"Do you think I want to?"

"I hope not, but why the hell would you be doing so if you don't want it?"

"I assume you already heard about Brooks. Brooks is an evil man, Sadri."

"Tell me."

"About what?"

"What the hell is he doing to you?"

"Imagine a princess being taken by a dictator. Princess doesn't want to, Princess doesn't have anyone to talk to but the minions. Princess is forced to marry dictator. Princess doesn't have a say."

"You're a fucking FBI agent, you can't get out of something like this?"

"No, actually. I have no fucking weapons. I have no fucking person that would help me out with my escape, if I try to I'll end up like all the other women in the field. I think you've heard of them by now. For gods sake this was a death wish to sleep with you."

He instantly pinned her down by her wrists.
"Listen to me, Gaby. You are not going to die on my watch. I'm going to save you. We're all gonna save you. Don't you dare ever think anything is a mistake because first off, you were one to never believe in mistakes. Second off, you're the most perfect fucking human being & I will not let you think any choice you make is a mistake."

"Marrying him will be a mistake." Gaby said.

"But it's not your choice. And you're not marrying him. Gaby we're getting married like we planned."

Under him she smiled, it wasn't a soft smile, it wasn't small, it was one of those big smiles he had missed for years.

I'll explain how the ex w.. I mean wife, reacted when she found the divorce papers on the kitchen counter later.

But for now, let's just say Gaby had hope for the first time in a very long while.

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