Imagine/ Lou

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Imagine with video chatting with Lou Bear

Video chat

Your sleeping soudly and peacefully. Nothing is interrupting your beauty sleep. The night is quiet and peaceful. The moon shones in the sky brightly and peaking into your room through the oepn windows. The moon's surface casting a shadow. A summer wind blows through in your room. Suddenly the soud of your computer interrupts everything. Groaning you put your pillow on top of your head as you try very hard to ignore the soud. Well taht doesn't help. You computer continues beeping. You turn over and pull your covers over your head. That doesn't help. You finally pretty mad about it throw your cover off of you and get out of bed. You stomp angrily to your study desk and flip open your computer. You see the video chat box pop open. You try to keep your eyes open as you click the person's name with out reading. The box pops open and Louis Tomlinson is reaviled.

" Hey babe,'' he exclaimed cheerfully.

" Get out,'' you say grumply without noticing the voice.

" Okay. Bye then. I was so excited to video chat with you.''

You finally wake up and see that it's Louis

"LOUIS,'' You shouted.

" Oh hey babe,'' he says with a smirk

" OMG! Do you know what time it is?'' you asked

" Yeah midnight,'' he replied. So?

" So? I have school tomorrow!'' you yelp

" Okay babe come down. 

You calm down and sigh. Looking at him looking all sleepy and stuff. You giggle.

" How's everything boo?''

" Good. The tour is just amazying. The fans are even amazying but....'' Louis stops talking and looks down

" Yes Lou but what?

" I miss you,'' he says softly looking up.

You aw and say you miss him too

" How's life for you?''

" Good. Eh everything is fine. The days are much lonier without you though,'' you frown

" Girl don't give me that look,'' he snaps

You giggle. You hear a small laugh in his voice.

" I love you babe. How's the family?

" Good. Yeah everyone is good. Hazza, Leeyum, Nialler, DJ Malik are alright?

" Yeah.

Louis turns his screen to show Harry and the others sleeping soundly with waking up. Niall starts to talk in his sleep. He rolls over in his bed.

" Yeah they are fine,'' laugh Louis

" What time is it over ther?'' you asked sleeply.

" Um almost morning,'' Louis smiles but looked sleepy.

" You should go to bed,'' you whispered noticing him yawn

" I am fine,'' he answers

" You have a concert,'' you reminded him.

" Oh yeah,'' he said that slowly.

Louis rubs his eyes and yawns a slow yawn.

" I have to get to bed. Mom is going to kill me if she sees me up like this.''

" Yeah I know. I just did this because I missed you very very very very a thousand times  very much,'' Louis exclaimed soflty.

You laugh. " I missed you too. When are you going to visit. You don't call anymore.

" I know busy schedule,'' sighed Louis. I promise I will call tomorrow. It will be soon I will be able to visit

You look at him closy and squit your eyes. He was tellign the truth. You knew he was telling the truth.

" Okay. Hugs and kisses from me to you.''

" Hugs and kisses Sam. I will talk to you soon.''

" Yeah soon. anyway I love you

" Love you too with a hundred hearts

" Aw such a gentlemen,' you giggle whisking some hair from your eyes

He chuckled. " Bye babe. Love you with my heart.

You make a heart shape with your hands to show your love for him. He made one too with his hands and mouths a love you. You mouth a love you too and you guys say a final good bye. You sigh and turn your computer off. Making your way to your bed you get in under the covers and get nice and cozy. You smile just as you doze off to a deep sleep. 

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