Imagine/ Liam Payne

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 Depression imagine

Liam Payne

You hvae been bullied in school for four weeks now. You don't tell anyone because you don't want people like your parents to get invovle since this wass your fight. Without no one getting in the way the name calling and hatred continues. You feel depress more and more each day. People start to worry about you even your best friend Liam Payne starts to worry. The endless phone calls and text messages and the wanting to see you tells you that he is super worry. You say everything is fine and moved on. You put on a fake smile everyday to show your feelings that were hide deep down inside you. You come home one day and lock yourself in your room. You take a knife from your drawer and start to cut yourelf. You hiss at the pain and the blood puring out on to the floor. You continue since you want your life to end. More blood starts to ooze out and on to the floor. There's blood all over now. 

" I am a brate. I am stupid and fat and a big fat fool. I don't deserve anyone,'' you hiss at the pain.

Your phone vibrates on your bed. Laying down the knife on top of your dresser you pick it up and read the name. You groan. It's Liam.

" Hello,'' you answer.

" Hey Y-N. Want to come over. You hear Liam's cheerful voice over the speaker.

" Um no not now,'' you say looking down at the floor.

" Oh okay um....,''

" I have to go,'' you say quickly.

" But....,''

" Bye. You click off and toss the phone back on the bed. You phone vibrates again this time it was a text from Liam.

Liam: Y-N what's going on. Please tell me. I am really worry about you! I need to know, i am your best friend. Please text me back.

You sigh and turn off the phone. Tears start to flow down your face. You can't do this anymore. This is not the way it had to end but it had to. You wished to. You wanted to vanish from this earth. You pikc up the knife again and looked at it's shiny blade. You face reflected from it's serface. 

" B**ch,'' you cursed slicing your arm once again. You feel dizzy all the sudden. Your head starts to hurt. Your vision is suddenly blarry. You fall head first on the floor. That was the last thing yuo remember.

The next day

" Y-N,'' someone whispered.

You groan and tried upon your eyes but for some reason it's blurry. You close yuor eyes and feel someone touch your skin. You can hear but can't feel. 

" Y-N, are you awake?'' a different voice asked you.

You tried opening your eyes. This time you succed. Three people are looking at you. On of the faces you notice right away and the others you can't get. You open you mouth and say something.

" Wher am  I-I?'' Youa sked in a moaning type of voice.

" In the hospital,'' someone answered.

" What happened?''

" You well your parents found yuo on your floor of your room and saw you lay in a pool of your own blood. They rushed you here just in time yesterday,'' the voice went quiet then spoked. You cut yourself Y-N.''

You can hear the person start to sniff as if trying to hold back the tears.

You look around at the faces. They all looked back at you. You didn't understand. You were confused. You wanted someone to explain to you.

" I-I....,'' you start to say.

The familiar voice speaks. " Can yuo leave me alone with her. I want a moment with her.''

You hear voices then they dissappeared. Silence filled the room. The person cleared their throguht and sat next to you.

" Y-N please tell me what was going on. I want to find out?'' they begged.

You sigh and looked to the side to find tubes in your arms. Was it that bad?'' you thought.

" I don't know waht i was doing. People...,'' you started then stopped.

You had little of what happend.

" People bullied me in school,'' you continued. I coudn't take it anymore so I started cutting.

" And you didn't tell anyone?'' 

You shake your head and looked away. " I was afraid.''

" Afraid of what?''

" Of getting the people I loved invove. this was going to be my fight and my fight only. I wanted to take the life out of me so they would be happy.''

" Y-N you are the way you are. People love you that way. You fun, funny, awesome, amazing and so much more. One thing you are is beautiful. People love you like that. You can't change that wasy about you,'' he explained.

" I-I....,'' you stopped and looked at the face for the first time. The eyes were colored brown with a little flick. His smile was just perfect and he's face....

" Liam,'' you say.

" I am here for you. I am here for you and so is everyone else. People love you. You can't just take yuor life like that. Keep your life and live longer. Promise me you wouldn't ever do that again?'' Liam asked.

You look into his eyes that left you welcome and warm. He was your best friend adn you knew he was going to be along side you all the way no matter what obsticules is in the way. He was a good friend that's what you loved about him.

" Liam thank you,'' you whispered.

He takes your hand in his and held it to his cheek. " Anything for you Y-N.''

You feel the sudden erge to kiss him on the lips. Yes he was your best friend but this moment between you two you started experinces love feelings. With out realizing what you were doing you get up and with your elbows suporrting you weight, you kiss him softly on the lips. He hestiate and pulls away.

" Y-N,'' he says shocked.

" Liam I am starting to have feelings for you. A-and I am just.....,''

Liam pulls you back in and kisses you. The kiss deeps just like that, slowly and lovely. 

" Liam,'' you whisper.

He grins and pushes yuo slowly on to the bed. Pulling the pink and black purple blanket up he smiles and pats your hand.

" You should rest,'' he whispers.

He bends over and kisses you on the head. Smiling once more he turns to head out the door. 

" Liam,'' you shout.

He turns around and looks at you. You lay there smiling.

" Thank you,'' you mouth

He smiles and heads out the door closing the door quietly behind him.

Authors note: Hey guys I hope you liked that imagine. I decided to write it for the people who had went through depression. Always know that there is someone there for you so don't do any harm to yourself. Comment and vote it will mean so much to me. Thanks for reading! 

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