Imagine/ Niall

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Dedicated to Lovin_Niall

Niall coming home from tour and surprising you

Text with Niall

Niall: Hey babe


Niall: I miss you too sweetie

You: Why don't you call and text anymore. Is everything alright?!

Niall: Everything is fine suger. There's nothing to worry about. 

You: You sure

Niall: Yeah babe

You: Okay

Niall: How's everything with oyu

You: Good. Natilia and Emily are gradutaing from High school soon. My collage graduation is coming up. You are coming right Prince?

Niall: When is it again

You: You forgot!

Niall: No baby!

You: June something

Niall: I promise I will be there

You: You promise Nialler

Niall: Yes

You: .....

Niall: I have to go. Hugs and kisses from me and the boys

You: Say hi to them for me. Bye Niall

Niall: Bye Suger

*The next day

Your in the livingroom watching tv when the doorbell rings. You yell to your sister to get it and she yells back to get it yourself. You groan and open the front door. There's nobody there except a package with your name on it and no adress. Your puzzle because you didn't order anything. You shrug your shoulders and take the package anyway. Closing the front door behind you, you carefully open the package and revele a card in side.

Dear Alli ,

I have something special to show you. Please meet me at the park later on today. The surprise will be shown. See you there!

                                From someone you know

Someone you know? There was like a thousand people you know. You groan and throw the package on the couch next to you. Your sister comes into the livingroom. Her hair is wet and she has a bow drier in her hand.

" Who was that?"' She asks

You shrug your shoulders and don't answer her instead you toss her the card. She begins reading it and stops to look at you

" Who is this from?"

" I don't know.''

" Well find out.''

She walks out the room

*Later that day

Your standing in the middle of the park dress in shorts and a tank. You look around not sure who your looking for. You sigh and sit down at a pak bench near were you were standing. You look down at your lap. You feel a tap on your shoulders then something covers your eyes.

" Who is there,'' You ask

" Just follow my voice.''

You do what they say because you don't know whether the person is going to hurt you. You walk to the person's voice and they tell you to stop. 

" Open your eyes.

You open your eyes and you are at the parking lot. Your confuse. You start to question when you hear a familiar vocie call your name. It sounded like Niall. You squint your eyes and you see Niall standing next to his bandmates with smiles plastered on their faces. Your mouth drops open and you run full speed to Niall. You jump on him and hug him really tight. He hugs you back tighter.

" Niall, when did you come. Why didn't you message me you were coming back,'' You pour him with questions.

" Slow down girl,'' He says hearing a smile in his voice.

You face him. " When did you come.''

" Just now. I didn't text you because I wanted to surprise you. i thought it will be cool to surprise you and see your reaction when you saw me.''

" That's what the card was?"

" Yep,'' he grins. Let's ask questions later. right now I want to be with you.''

You smile and hug him again. He kisses you on the cheek and whispers in your ear that he misses you. You move your face so your lip touches with his. You kiss him and he kisses back. The kiss deeps leaving you warm and full of happiness. 

" He is back he is really back,'' You say in your head.

You wrap your arms around Niall's neck and he holds you with his two hands.

" Babe,'' he says

" hm,'' you answer.

" I missed you.''

" Stop talking. You bite down on his lip. I want this moment to last.''

You feel him smile. He was truly amazying. He was the one and only boy you loved and you will never let him go. He was your forever love.

- Nyalla 

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