Imagine/ Harry( 1st part)

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Harry asking you to prom

It's 9th period and your glancing over at the clock while you listen to Mr. Ranger wobble on and on about something yuo really don't care about. You mind is on something else: the school prom that was on Friday. It's wednesday and you still don't have a date. You are hoping someone will ask you soon. You sigh and look back at Mr. Range. He is gesturing his hands everywher while his mouth did all the talking. You look over at the clock. Only two minutes left until school's over.

" Ms. can you tell me about the 13 amendment?'' Mr. Ranger asked.

He looked at me with a firing look. He knew you weren't paying attention.

" Um I -I it's....,'' you stuttered.

You look at the clock hoping it can save you time. And just as yuor about to back off the bell rings.


Everyone jumps and grabs their stuff.

" Have a lovely day everybody,'' shout Mr. Range.

The class felt alive again as people started talking and laughing and gossiping. You quikly shove your stuff in your book bag and slung it over your shoulders. your about to leave when Mr. Range's loud voice stops you.

" Ms.  I want to talk to you.''

You stop in your tracks and turn around to face him. He waits a second for the last student to leave.

" What has gotten into you Bella. You seem to be somewhere else.''

" You sigh. He ddin't understand what you were going through. He was a teacher and you were a teen so waht the difference to make and tell him that you have no date for the school prom. 

" Um nothing I am just tired,'' you lied hoping to get off this conversations so you can hurry the heck out.

He looks at you and waves you off. You hurry out of the classroom and whispered a little thank you. 


You have bump into someone causing their stuff to fly on the floor. 

" I am so sorry,'' you say bending down on the floor to pick the notebooks and papers. 

You collect them and hand them to the person.

" Here yuo....,'' you stop and look at the person. It's Harry Styles the hottest boy in your school. No not just a hottie but a dangerous hottie.

" Oh um... here,'' you say blushing and thrusting the papers and notebooks at him.

He's voice made you want to faint as he spoke in his slow anglic voice.

" Thank you Bells,'' he smiles.

You stand there shocked. " You-your welcome,'' you hesitated. 

" So um...,'' he looks around.

" Yeah um..,'' you say blushing and  looking down at your sneakers.

" I have to go,'' you both say in an usion.

You say a quick good bye and leave. 

" He just talked to me,'' you say in your head as you rush outside to catch your bus

At home

Your in your room doing homework. You have just arrived home from school. You sit cross legs on your bed with a notebook on your lap and a textbook laying next to you. Your phone buzzes on your bed. You think it's your best friend texting you for the answers on the how but it's not.

Harry: Hey Bells

You: H-Harry how di-did you -g-get my phone number?!

Harry: Lizzy gave it to me

You: Oh u-m. H-hi

Harry: Are yuo busy

You: Y-yeah Hw

Harry: Meet me at Danny's. I need to ask you something. It's about....

You: Y-yes?

Harry: I will tell you when I see you

You: O-okey bye

Harry: Bye love

You: Yeah Bye

At Danny's

Your sitting at the counter closest to the window. You have on your cute paris tank top, blue shorts and white sneakers. A purse was around you. An empty soon to be sat seat was across from you. You looked down at your watch and groan.

" Where is he?'' You mumble.

You look at the clock hanging on the wall and see that it's 4:30. You start tapping your foot impatiently. 

" Where is he?'' You mumble again.

You look at your watch one last time and decided to wait a little longer. Time passes and Harry is still not here. You look around the cafe and groan. Getting up you walk up the persn behind the counter.

" Hi, I am not ordering anything but if you see this person please give him this,'' You hand her a piece of paper with scribbles all over it.

The girl gives you a werid look and l-nods. You were about to reach for the door knob when Harry brushes past you.

" Harry.''

" Bells, hey,'' he greets.

four other people stood beside him. They wave and said hello.

" Um where have you been?'' You asked tapping your watch.

" Sorry was running late. I had to...,''

You hold your hand up. " Don't want to know. Tell me why you want me here.''

" Okay lets sit,'' Harry pushes you to one of the tables and sits down across from you. The other boys say they were going to give you some privece and left.

" Okay waht is it?'' You asked.

He looks at you nervously and licks his lips. He starts but then stop.

" Well?'' You asked.

" I -I -I...,'' he stutters looking at your paris tank top.

" What?''

" Okay um I want to know if you would like to go to the prom with me. I will understand if you say no.''

You stare at him. The Harry Styles wants to go to the prom with you and he's asking you here in your favorite cafe. You look away from his eyes and downa t your white sneaker. Picking the hem out of your shorts you look back up at him. His eyes had a special twinkle in them. 

" I don't know Harry...,'' you say slowly.

" I understand. I am sorry I wasted your time.'' He gets up to leave but you grab his hand suddenly and push him down.

" No. pelase don't leave,'' you begged. I would love to go with you. I would love to.''

" Really?'' He asks.

You nod and blush.

" Aw I like the way you blush,'' he whispers.

You blush again and again. He takes your hands in his warm soft ones and held them in mid air. You don't look at him. You feel something soft on your cheeks and just as you turn a pair of lips matches with yours and a kiss was form. It was Harry!

" Harry,'' you gasped.

Harry smiled and you noticed for the first time that he had dimples. " Girl you got touch.''

You don't say anything but smile. With your hands still holding his he leans in and kisses you again this time on the head.

" I can't wait for the prom,'' he whispers.

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