Imagine/ Harry

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Dedicated to: Harrystyles121

Imagine You and Harry have just gotten into a fight and you guys go a day without talking. The boys and  your two best friends try to get you two to be together again since they liked you two as couples and were the cutest. 

You and one of your best friends Amanda Hick are in your room. Amanda's laid down reading a magazin on your bed and your on the floor on the laptop searching stuff. Amanda looks up from her magazin and sighs.

" Come on Alexa,'' Begged Amanda . Please be a couple again with Harry. I can't stand you guys fighting.''

You and Harry fight alot so this wasn't the first time.

" No,'' You say shaking your head and looking up from your computer screen

Amanda groans and hits you with one of your pillows.

" What was that for?'' You asked.

" Oh nothing,'' She says putting her focuse on her magazine.

" Mandy, I wouldn't get back with Harry. He doesn't understand how I feel when he goes behind my back and cheats on me.''

" I know I know but you and him are like the greates couples alive. It's as if  you two were meant for each other.

" No,'' You snap. I hate his guts and that's final. Don't try to get me and him back together because it's not going to work.

Mandy sighs and doen't argue with you

*The next day 

*Text with Sara

Sara: Alexa, meet me and Mandy at the mall

Me: Why?

Sara: Um I.....

Me: Is it with Harry?

Sara: No

Me: Don't you guys get it, me and him are done!

Sara: Please

Me: NO

Sara: Please with suger on top

Me: No SARA. Good bye

*Next day

Your in your room when your phone rings. You look at the screen  and it's Niall

" Hello.''

" Hey Alexa!''

" Hi Niall.''

" So what's up?"

" Nothing. You?"

" I am good thank you. Can you meet me up at the complex?"

" No why?"

" Something important has to be done''

" If it's....''

" No it's not about Harry. I promise."

" You promise?"

" I promise.''

" Okay. fine I will be there.''

You hang up your phone and ask your mom if she can drive you to the boy's house. 

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