Imagine/ Harry

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Harry proposing to you

Your hanging over at the boys complex. The complex is quiet. There's no tv blaring no music coming from Zayn's room. No Liam and Niall shouting at each other it was just quiet. You and Harry are sitting in the backyard on the wing chair. He has his arms around you and you have your head on his shoulders. You close your eyes and feel the sunshine on your face. Harry suddenly moves.

" Haz, what is it?'' You asked giggling

" I um have to ask you something,'' He says nervously

You look at him and smile. " What is it.''

He  gets up and nervously kneels on one knee. Reaching one hand in his pocket he takes out a small black box. You wonder what it is.  He opens it a diamond ring is seen inside sparkling like the sun. You gasp shockingly and you look down at him. He looks at you and says in a wasping voice.

" Y-N would you be my wife?''

You stand there not saying anything. You are too shock to say anothing and nothing more. Your hot, dangerous, sexy boyfriend Harry Styles is kneeling on one knee proposing to you. You don't know what to do. You don't know whether to cry, laugh or do both.

" I would. I will marry you,'' You cry as tears stream down your cheeks.

He carefull took the ring out from it's box and put it on your ring finger. You smile and look at the ring. It sparkle like the sun on your finger. You are still shock in words. Harry stands up and picks you up. He kisses you on the lip and twirles you around. You laugh and press your lips against his. You feel him lick your lips and kisses you back.

" Your something special,'' He says in between kissing.

" Stop talking,'' you say.

He smiles and helds your hand. Pulling back he grins one last time and continued the kiss.

" I love you,'' he whispered.

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