Imagine/ Liam

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Imainge/ car crash

Your in your room looking at a photo album full of pictures. Your back is laid down on the bed and you feet are rested at your bed post.

" Heheh,'' you laugh looking at a picture of  Niall holding a spoon out to Liam. His face was feared and his mouth was opened a little bit as if telling Niall to back of. Omg that memory. You flip the page and look at another picture of you and your best friends at the last day of 12 th grade at Willford High. You remember that day so perfecty. Everyone laughing and shouting when that bell rang that excat moments. The good byes and the tears. You sigh and look at another picture. it was a picture of Liam sleeping. Most of the pictures was either of Liam and you or You. The other half was the boys and friends and family. A knock was heard on your door then the door opens.

" Hey honey,'' smiled your mom.

You turn to look at your mom. " Hey mom.''

" You dad and I are going to a friends house. Emily and Josh are going out to the movies with some friends you can join them if you would like.

You shake your head and smile. " No thank you. I can stay home. I will be fine.''

" You sure.''

" Yeah. I will probably invite Gabby over and we can chill,'' you explain making a chilling gesture with your hands

You mom laughs and calls you a silly girl. She says bye and closes the door behind her. You go back to looking at the pictures. One specific picture you came up to was Liam and you on yours first date and he kissing you on the cheek. You smile remembering the kiss that will never leave your memeory. A thousand memeories cran your head. 

" Hm I wonder what Liam is doing right now,'' you say to no one in particular.

You reach for your phone that was on the night stand. You scroll down the long list of names, tapped Liam's name at the fourth colum and waited for him to pick up. He finally picked up on the ninth ring

" Hello,'' his voice sounded tired.

" Hey Liam. What's wrong?''

" Krystal,'' he cried. Hey babe. How's everything.''

" Good. Everything is good. Left alone at home, I choosed not to leave. Gabs will be over soon. What about you?''

" Eh got a lot of things to do. * you hear him sigh*

" Why don't you rest and come over?''

" Aw babe. I can't do...''

"We are going some place right after Gabby leaves. We are going some place fun. Now Liam don't say no to that

* You hear a laugh come out of him*

" Okay, okay. I will pick you up?

" Yeah. Around 6.''

" Okay see you then.''

" Bye.''

You turned your phone off and dump it back on your night stand. You stand up and stretch. It's was a beautiful summer day outside. Actually it wasn't summer but it felt like one. You walk up to your huge windows in your room and threw them open. A huge warm breeze blew into your room ruffling your windows.

" Ahh,'' you.

You phone vibrates indicationg that you have a text. You look at you phone screen and see that it's Gabby

Gabloves1D: Hey Krystal. If you are inviting me over I can't come. I am going somewhere with my parents. Sorry but I will text you as soon as possible. Bye girl!

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