10- Deadly Choices

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Chapter Ten- Deadly Choices

The cougar awoke, looked around, and softly growled.
One of the men apparently heard it because he looked up and gasped. Quite loudly, actually. I reluctantly looked up to find that the cougar had gotten up, and was not staring at me, but staring down at the man, looking very hungry...
I decided this was one of those times that I shouldn't really do anything... Or I might actually die. Everything that happened next was rushed and seemed to go by in a blur. But I believe that the cougar jumped down from its perch, still staring at the man and started to chase him around the woods and a very wild manner.

"This is your opportunity. This is what you prayed for. This is your saving grace. God has given you this moment to live, so go!!!"

Receiving the message and trying to relay it were two totally different things at the time. I knew I had to move and I had to do it fast, before the cougar decided I would be dinner... But I could NOT get my legs to move. After what seemed like an eternity, I got my legs to move, and believe me, they did. A little too fast for me to realize they finally wanted to go... Instead of climbing out of the tree, I fell. I was at the last branch, and I didn't really want to hit the ground and be a big splat of human, so I grabbed the branch with everything I could.
When I did that, I believe that I dislocated my shoulder....
It hurt, and it was popping when I moved it....
I went on, despite the dislocated shoulder, and ran. I ran faster than I had before, I ran faster than lightning.

By the time I was out of the woods, it was getting dark, and I knew I needed to find some place to sleep.. I was walking through a meadow of a sort and found a little house. Not very big but not very small. I decided to check it out, to see if there were seven dwarves sleeping.

"How ironic would it be if there were seven people in there..."

I went inside and checked the place out. It looked as if somebody might've been there a couple days ago, maybe like 5, but I wasn't sure. Walking around, I saw a little pot hanging in the kitchen above the stove. I took it down and found little tea bags. About 6 or 7 of them.
"Mmmmmmm... Tea... I wonder what kind it is...."
I took the tea bags out and smelled them to make sure it was actually tea and not drugs or anything. It was tea and I think it was earl grey tea... My favorite.....
I found a little sink that actually had running water..
I ran the sink water through the pot and put it on the stove.
Rummaging around in the cupboards, I found myself a little tea cup and put one of the tea bags in it. When the water in the pot was steaming, I took it off the stove and poured some water into the cup.

After I drank my tea, I searched the rooms looking for a bed. I finally found one and went to sleep....

Then I heard a door open... I heard it closing.... And a couple seconds later, I saw a tall, dark figure standing in front of me.....

(Sorry if this chapter seemed a little weird. I'm not feeling too good and so my writing seems to be reflecting on my mood. Sorry again. Love you guys and thanks for sticking with me!)

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