4- The Taylor boy

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Chapter Four- The Taylor Boy

Well, I had just put in Borderlands 2, when my phone started to ring. The caller ID said that it came from around Des Moines. And being me, I picked it up, and a very familiar voice croaked out "Hello....? Is this Ana?"    "Um, yeah. Why? Who is this?," I replied. We had a very (not so much) intriguing conversation, and it turns out, he is (by adoption) a Taylor.  He is 17, his name is Dominick, AND his adopted brother is Christian... Christian is a kid at school that I kinda have a crush on... PLUS he said that we could meet up sometime, maybe for coffee.  

*10 hours later*
I can't sleep.... Every time I try to sleep, I feel like I am forgetting something. You know that feeling? Yeah, well, it sucks.     

Anyways, everytime I try to sleep, I get concentrated on just finally being able to close my eyes, I get that feeling.

I went to school the next day, running on no sleep... And had to get picked up after school, because it was raining down fucking cats and dogs. 

That Taylor boy, Dominick, and I started texting back and forth quite often, and then he asked when we were going to go get coffee, so I told him that we could go out for coffee that weekend on Saturday... I didn't know anything was going to happen... 





Love y'all!!!

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