London's P.O.V.

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When I got home, my uncle wasn't there, but a black mustang was. Who's that?

I find myself looking in the windows of the car trying to see if I can find anything out.

"Who the hell are you, and why the hell are you looking in my car?" I hear a southern accent draw-out.

I turn around to see a guy with brown hair and green eyes looking down at me.

"Ty?!" I yell jumping onto him just hoping he'd catch me.

"London?! My gosh you've grow up." He replies back after catching me in his arms. We pull apart and just study each other. Yes. I'm still in his arms. No. I don't care. I haven't seen my brother in how many years. I have a right to be in his arms.

"You're gorgeous, Lo. You look just like mom."

"Ty, you're a replica of other handsome father."

We said at the same time.

But realization hit him like a punch in the face.

If he could afford a car like that, how can't he afford to take care of me? I could even work.

I jump down from his arms, and I walk to my bag that I dropped. Walking away I grab his arm and pull him inside the house after unlocking it.

"Why can't you afford me? I mean, you bought a car like that." I say with a sour tone.
He winces.

"That's what I came here for. I came to get you. To bring you back to my apartment in Alabama. I got an amazing job. I'm not rich, but I'm damn sure close. I share with a friend. He helps pay for it. Right when I knew I could take care of you, I packed a bag, got in the car, and drove here not stopping at all. I couldn't wait to see you. Get you out of this stupid mess. Kid, you're my whole world. I love you with my whole heart, and I'd do anything for you. When I couldn't take you with me, I almost stayed. But I knew that if I stayed we'd never had gotten out." He explains. I pull him into a hug tears in my eyes not coming out yet.

"Thank you." I whispered.


For the rest of the day we watched, my bae, Netflix, ate popcorn, and cried at titanic. Yes. Ty cried, too.

At 5:55 there was a knock at the door. Ty stood up and opened it.

"Hi. I'm here to pick up London." I heard a Sam's voice say.

Shit. I'm not ready. Oh my god how could I have forgotten.

"Uh.. Just one moment." I heard Ty say right before slamming the door. "Why is there a guy asking for you? Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend? Huh? Huh?"

"Ok. 1. I forgot. And 2. He's not my boyfriend. It's just a date." I answer sorta kinda mad at him. "But what did he look like? Was he in fancy clothes or no?"

"He had a hoodie and jeans on."

"Ok. So I look good enough?" I ask Ty. Ty examines me from head to toe and says,
"Just put on some shoes. You are beautiful, though."

I blush. Walking to the door I grab my purse, and opened the door while sliding on some flip flops.

*skip until when she gets home*

The date was ok. It wasn't the best. He took me to McDonald's, then said he forgot his card at his  house. So I had to pay. Yep. I had to pay.

When I got out, I saw that my brother's car was gone, but my uncle's was there.
Uh oh. Fuck.

Running in I hoped he wasn't drunk, but he'd most likely be tired since it's 7:00.

Closing the door I heard Uncle's booming voice.

"Where have you been?"

Ok. He didn't yell and he doesn't look tired.

"I was on a date."

"You were?" He asked a surprised look on his face. I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Yeeaahh." I respond.

"Alright. I'm going to bed. Don't be loud. I need sleep." He walks off upstairs going to his room.

I decide to listen to some music before going to bed. I walk up to my room, grab my phone, and hit shuffle. Leaving it playing out loud, the first song to play was She by Green Day. I started to squeal. Yay! My favorite song!

I may not be the goth-punk type, but I still love Green Day. While listening I start getting ready for bed. (Not going to explain because y'all know how to get ready for bed.) I won't go to sleep, I just like to be ready to fall asleep when I'm ready.

Before laying down, I see a note. It's from Ty. He left his number and said he'd come by tomorrow, and sometime this week we'd leave.

After about an hour and thirty minutes I'm ready to go to bed. I turn off my music, and close my eyes. Drifting off I start to think of Isaac...

Author's note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Comment and I'll respond. I like interacting with y'all. Keep reading. More drama's on the way in the next few chapters.
Love you!!!!xxoo

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