Isaac's P.O.V

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After my little interaction with London, I need to let off some stress. And what better way than to slowly kill yourself.

I walk outside to the side of the school building. I grab a cigarette, from the package in my pocket, and slide it into my mouth. I take my lighter, and I flick it a couple of times. Finally, after my third time, it lights up.

A few minutes in I hear a door open and close. I look over and see London and her sexy beauty.

"What are you doing London?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes.

"Ya know. Just fighting with my best friend, then coming out here to find you
The same ol' same ol'." She replies.

"Why would you be looking for me? I'm a disgusting bitch who everyone thinks should die." I look to the ground in shame of what I'm like. I hear footsteps, but don't look up.

"Isaac, why would you think that? No one wants you to die." I hear London angelic voice. I throw my cigarette to the ground and stomp it.

"Yes they do. I'm a worthless piece of trash that takes up space."

"Isaac, look at me." She says softly, but I don't listen as I try to avoid eye contact.
"Isaac, look at me, now." I slowly look to her.

"Your not worth less," she grabs my hands and pulls them close to her, " your amazing. You are unique and that's what makes them not like you. They're jealous of how you do follow their criteria. You stand out, and that's what makes you wonderful. Yeah, some of them might actually be scared of you, but that's just cause of your past and these stupid rumors. if anyone gives you shit, make a pie with it and give it back to them. You're enough for me and you to be friends, so don't care. My mother used to tell me, 'You're going to be perfectly fine as long as you have one true friend no matter what other bitches make a pathway to your heart then plowed over it. That one friend can plant more seeds.' And, Isaac, I'll be that one friend. cause you're a great guy even if people can't see it." She looks directly to my soul, she knows she's touched me by the unshed tears that our in my eyes.

"I could go tell everyone I'm going to kill myself and no one'd care, but said the best thing you can say. I'll so take you up on that offer." I reply letting one tear roll done my cheek, but not another because I'm a man and men don't cry.

As if London can read my thoughts, she pulls me in for a hug and says, real men can cry. And that's when I broke down in tears.

See that reference I made up there, from the help.

Hello you lovely people. I hope you like it. I know it's short, but that's all I got.

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